Part 29

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The next week was one of the most uncomfortable of my life.

And I moved away to not feel discomfort in my life any longer. It looked like no matter where I lived- it could follow me.

I hardly saw Ezra. I only saw her twice in passing at home- and we didn't say anything to each other. She looked at me, and I looked at her. But no words were spoken. She was hurt, I was hurt.

And I won't lie, though it was an incredibly weird and uncomfortable week so far, I did have some peace of mind. Ezra ran through my mind constantly- but not being around her, and constantly having her in my face was offering me some clarity. The clarity that I was craving.

However, the feeling that I felt more than peace of mind, was simply missing Ezra. My life felt bleak without her to spend time with or talk to.

I couldn't just tell her though that after a week of saying I needed space that I didn't want the space anymore. That wouldn't be fair to her, but mostly myself. I knew I would just go back to exactly how I was feeling.

I wasn't sure how it was going to be when I saw Ezra in class- however I wound up not needing to worry about that. She didn't come to class. And I had a feeling she likely wasn't going to any of her classes.

I had been texting with Honey, but the whole week had been so stressful for me that I didn't ask her to hangout. She asked me if I wanted to spend time with her on Sunday night- a week after I told Ezra I needed space.

It was one of the few nights that we both had off- and she asked me if I wanted to hangout at her apartment. Honey had mentioned to me once before that she had a roommate that she was friends with named Nicki, but she told me that she had the apartment to herself that night.

I hadn't told Honey at all what was happening with Ezra and I. And I wasn't sure if I even wanted to, because then that would entail telling Honey why I needed space from Ezra.

I should probably be honest with her. It's not fair to her if I am not honest.

As I was about to leave to go to Honey's, I heard someone walking down the steps, and then a voice behind me say, "Hey. I have a question."

I turned around to see Ezra at the bottom of the steps, in her work uniform.

I felt my heart rate pick up as I asked her, "What's up?"

"What do you want me to do about rent money? Do you still want me to give it to you, or should I figure it out myself?"

Ezra would give me cash of hers each week, and I would divide it up to make sure that she had enough to pay for her portion of rent each month. Was it something I needed to do? No. I just did it because I was used to figuring things out for the both of us. And Ezra wasn't the best with not spending her money.

"Just make sure you have enough to give me at the end of the month for your portion of rent." I said, "You can give it to me in a couple of weeks when it is the end of April."

"I- okay. I'll make sure I have enough." Ezra said, "Are you going out?"

"Yeah...I'm seeing Honey." I said to her.

"Got it." Ezra said back, with a nod.

"Yeah...see you later." I said to Ezra. I waited for a second to see if she would say anything back to me- but she didn't.

Even just that small interaction with Ezra shook me up. We had never gone even a day without talking to each other since we became friends. And now we had gone a whole week.

Honey had texted me her address, and she told me that she lived above a tattoo shop- which seemed to be very fitting for her, considering she had tattoos. I had only seen the one on her arm of a feather- though I knew she had one on her back, one on her sternum, and one on her thigh as well. I've thought about getting tattoos before- I just never had the money to do so. Ezra really wanted tattoos, and would tell me that when we moved, she was going to get some.

Veiled Emotions (gxg)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora