Part 25

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I tried to not make things weird between Ezra and I for the next few days. I tried to talk to her and be as normal as possible. And things did feel less tense- however on the inside, I felt a pit in my stomach.

She didn't mention Taylor for a few days, and I started to feel a bit hopeful that maybe she decided to not hangout with her?

We both had work on Thursday night, and as I left an hour before Ezra had to, I said to her, "See you after work tonight?"

"Oh, um...about that. I'm going to Taylor's after work." Ezra said, looking at me.

That felt like a punch to the gut.

"Okay." I said, not even realizing I was holding my breath, "Have fun. Text me if you want."

I then closed the door to Ezra's room before she could say anything back.

All during work I couldn't help but to think about Ezra at Taylor's later on that night. I couldn't help but to think about or picture Ezra's hands all over Taylor. Pleasing her like she would please me.

I felt like I could scream.

But of course, I was at work and could not do that. Instead, I didn't talk that much at work. I focused on seating tables and clearing them off when needed.

"Are you okay?" Devon asked me at one point towards the end of the night.

I turned to her and said, "I'm fine, yeah. Thank you for asking."

"You just seem a bit...quiet?" she said to me.

"I won't lie, I have a lot on my mind. But I'm okay." I said, giving her a reassuring smile, "Thanks for asking, Dev."

"Of course." Devon said, giving me a smile back, "I'm here if you want to talk at all."

I always had friends tell me that in the past when I was upset about something- that they were there if I needed to talk. Which I really appreciated, of course. However, Ezra was really the only person that I wanted to talk to about anything.

However, this time I couldn't talk to her about this.

I did have Troy to talk to though- considering he knew how I felt about Ezra. However, I knew that I would probably have to walk a fine line because he was friends with Taylor.

I immediately sought him out when I got home- especially knowing that Ezra was likely going to Taylor's soon.

I could see the light on in his bedroom, so I knocked on the door.

"It's Eve. Can I come in?" I asked him.

"Sure!" Troy said back, "Of course."

I opened the door to see Troy sitting on his bed, reading a book.

"Sorry, I don't want to disrupt your reading." I said.

"This book is pretty boring, honestly. I've been forcing myself to read it." Troy said, "Come sit next to me, Eve."

I walked over to Troy's bed, and sat on it, facing him.

"So, what's up?" he asked me, putting his book down and giving me a smile.

I immediately started spilling what was wrong.

"Ezra is going to Taylor's house after work. She told me the other day that Taylor asked her to hangout, as more than friends- and she was going to give it a chance."

"Wait, are you serious?" Troy asked me, "Taylor is actually trying to pursue Ezra, after everything that happened?"

"You sound shocked. Isn't Taylor your friend?"

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