Chapter 17❤️

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X ~ Merhaba aşkım.
H and AR ~ (Angry) You, what did you want??
X ~ (Smiling) I want to meet you aşkım.
AR ~ Ne aşkım be?? Deli misin??
X ~ (Smiling) Evet, beni delirtiyorsun.
AR ~ (Angry) Saçmalama Zehra.
Zeh ~ (Smiling) aren't you happy to see me??
AR ~ Not at all
Zeh ~ (Looking at Hünkar) you didn't know how to take care of your husband right?? See my beloved are laying on this bed because of you.
~ (Angry) Sen ne dedin?? Sen kimsin be?? O benim kocan benim, senin değil.
AR ~ (calming Hünkar) Sakin yavrum sakin. (Looking at Zehra) Bana bak, don't you dare to talk to my wife like that. Defol git. Don't you dare to appear in front of us again.
Zeh ~ (Laughing) What make you think that I will go?? I came here to take care of my beloved.

Hünkar lost her patience, get up and went to Zehra, grab her by the neck and press her against the wall. Ali Rahmet want to get up but the pain stuck at his back so he can't get up luckily his family come in on time and trying to break Hünkar away from Zehra.

~ (pressing Zehra by the neck to the wall) Bana bak, you still don't know who am I and what am I capable off so don't you dare to mess with me. Anladın mı??
Dem ~ (Trying to separate them) Anne, sakin, let her go please.
Ham ~ Hünkar sakin ol.
~ (Still holding Zehra) Anladın mı??
Zeh ~ (Shaking her head) Anlamıyorum.
AR ~ (Trying to get up and Yilmaz help him to get up then he went to his wife) Yavrum, let her go please. (Wrap his hand around her belly and caresses it) Sakin my little girl, sakin.
~ (She come to her scene when she feel her husband caresses her belly and let Zehra go) Once again you disturb me or my husband, I will kill you, remember that.
Zeh ~ (trying to regain her breathing) Sen manyak mısın?? Deli valla deli.
~ (Shout) Ne?? Sen ne dedin?? Vayyy be, bana manyak diyorsun?? (She want to get closer but Ali Rahmet prevents it by holding her by the waist) bir daha söylersen seni öldürürüm, beni anlıyor musun. Defol (she shout)
Zeh ~ (Smirk) I will go now but I will come back and take your husband. (Waving at Ali Rahmet) Bye honey.
~ (Shout) DEFOLL!!!!

Hearing a scream, Sabahttin quickly went to the ward and saw that Hünkar was very angry and her condition are bad. He's trying to calm Hünkar down but he didn't manage it.

Sab ~ (Calming Hünkar) Relax, take a deep breath and exhale.
~ You guys go and leave me alone.
Dem ~ (looking at Hünkar) Ama
~ (interrupt and look at Demir) Amasi yok, hadi git.
AR ~ (Looking at Demir) Go son, I will take care of your mother. Come on.
Dem ~ (nod) Tamam baba.

They all went out the ward and left Hünkar and Ali Rahmet alone. Fekeli bring his wife to the bed and help her sit down and calm her down.

AR ~ (Hug Hünkar) Sakin tatlım sakin. İyi misin yavrum??
~ (Wrap her hand around her husband neck and kiss it) İyiyim ben, you're with me and I'm fine. Çok özledim seni çok.
AR ~ (caresses her hair) bende yavrum bende. (Whisper) when I get out, you won't run away from me my little girl.
~ (break away from him and slap his chest) Haylaz (laughing)
AR ~ (moaned in pain) Ahhh yavrum yavaş.
~ (panic) Özür dilerim, it still hurt??
AR ~ (he look at Hünkar's panic face and calm her down) İyiyim ben, merak etme.
~ (a tears roll down her cheek) I'm sorry...I'm sorry. I didn't mean it.
AR ~ (wiping her tears) It's okay my little girl, don't worry okay.
~ Now you rest. I will be here with you. (Trying to help him lay down)
AR ~ I can do it by myself baby, you just sit.
~ but
AR ~ (interrupted) No but, you're pregnant baby, I will take care of myself. Why don't you go back and rest at home. (He lay on the stretcher and put a wires back on his left chest)
~ (shaking her head) Hayır, istemiyorum. I want to stay with you. Please honey (making a cute face)
AR ~ (sigh) are you trying to blow my mind my little girl?? Come here, lay beside me. (He slowly move a little even though it's hurt him but he didn't care about it) Come baby.
~ (Slowly sit at the bed and lay on his chest) Ohh how I miss it. (Kiss his neck) çok özledim seni çok.
AR ~ (Kiss her forehead) Bende yavrum bende. (Kiss her lips and she reciprocate it) Seni....istiyorum (spoke between the kiss)
~ (Smiling and spoke between the kiss) Bende..seni...istiyorum. (Break away) but not now. (Laying on his chest and caresses it)
AR ~ (sigh) there's no one here
~ (slap his chest) haylaz (laughing) we are in the hospital honey. You get well first then (get closer to him and whisper) you can do whatever you want. (Spoke in a seductive voice then look at him and bite her lower lip)
AR ~ (heart beat accelerated) you on purpose aren't you?? You try to provoke me right my little girl??
~ (smile and bite her lower lip again) maybe.

I promise that i will never leave you alone❤️💯Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz