Chapter 11❤️

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The next morning.

It was a lovely day, the sun has risen the wind blows through Hünkar's bedroom curtains and the bird were singing. Ali Rahmet wake up and look at Hünkar that was sleeping on his chest like she was taking a refuge from him. He smile at her then he slowly wake her up.

Ali Rahmet ~ (Whisper) Hünkarım...benim güzel eşim...wake up. (He kiss her forehead)
Hünkar ~ (Half asleep) hm...give me ten more minutes please, I'm tired.
Ali Rahmet ~ Tamam, I will go and take a shower first.
Hünkar ~ (Half asleep) tamam.

He got up and went to the bathroom and take a shower. A few minutes later, he went out and choose his clothes and wear it. After he finished, he went to Hünkar and sit beside her.

Ali Rahmet ~ I'm done and now it your turn to take a shower.
Hünkar ~ Hayır...istemem...I want to sleep.
Ali Rahmet ~ You need to wake up and take a shower after that you need to eat your breakfast. Don't forget that our baby need to eat.
Hünkar ~ Tamam...tamam...after breakfast, I want to rest.
Ali Rahmet ~ Tamam canım.

Ali Rahmet help Hünkar to get up and bring her to the bathroom. After Hünkar finish her shower, she choose her cloth and wear it after that they went down together and head to the living room. All their children, grandchildren and their mother were there waiting for them.

H and AR ~ Günaydın everyone.
Everyone ~ Günaydın.
Hamine ~ Kızım, iyi misin??
Hünkar ~ İyiyim anne.
Demir ~ Anne, how was your mood today?? Is it good or not??
Hünkar ~ Now my mood still good and I don't know after this still good or not and it's depends on how your baba treat me.
Ali Rahmet ~ Ah...ah...why me?? Did I treat you bad before?? No right??
Hünkar ~ Well, who know maybe that women still want to try and get you.
Ali Rahmet ~ Hünkar, please don't start. I told you already not to mention about that woman name aren't I??
Hünkar ~ Evet, ama... (get interrupted)
Ali Rahmet ~ Ama yok, don't mention that woman name again full stop or else I will go and find that woman by myself, you want it??
Hünkar ~ Hayır...hayır...sakın...please don't go to her and marry her, please?? (Making a cute face)
Ali Rahmet ~ Tamam...ama, I don't want you to mention that woman's name again. Anladım mı??
Hünkar ~ Anladım...anladım, bir daha o kadının adını anmayacağım.
Ali Rahmet ~ Okay good.
Yilmaz ~ Anne, this is the first time I saw your clingy behaviour.
Z, D and M ~ Same.
Hamine ~ I have seen it many times. Your mother is a clingy person and she will be clingy with someone she loves only.
Hünkar ~ (Her cheeks turn red) Yaa anne, you just spoiled it.
Hamine ~ (Put her hand on her mouth) Opps, I just spill the tea.

Everyone was laughing by Hünkar's behaviour because this is their first time to see their mother's clingy behaviour.

Ali Rahmet ~ She look so cute when she is jealous and I really love to make her jealous just to see her cute face.
Hünkar ~ (She punch Ali Rahmet's hand) Sus....sus...don't say make me shy.
Ali Rahmet ~ It's true.
Adnan ~ My grandmother is so cute.
Üzüm ~ Yes, I agree with Adnan. My grandmother is beautiful too.
Kerem Ali ~ Evet...evet.
Hünkar ~ Okay now don't talk anything about me anymore. Saniye, is the breakfast ready??
Saniye ~ Yes madam, the breakfast is ready.
Hünkar ~ Tamam, come on and let's have our breakfast together.
Everyone ~ Tamam.

They all went to the dining table and have their breakfast together, while they are having their breakfast, they didn't expect that they will have a guest.

Saniye ~ Demir bey...madam, there's someone who wants to meet you.
Demir ~ Kim??
Saniye ~ Adnan bey and Sevda hanım.

They all shock, Hünkar's face already changed, she feel so nervous. Ali Rahmet's saw his wife condition and quickly grab her hand and reassure her.

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