Chapter 30 - Moon 17

Start from the beginning

The cats burst into noise as soon as Acornstar leapt off the stump. "Ivy, let me go instead of you." Runningmouse meowed, turning to her immediately.

Ivyshadow shook her head, "I think it would be better for you to stay here."

Runningmouse shook his head, glancing away from her. "No. I can't let you go."

Ivyshadow blinked in surprise. Runningmouse had never told her what she could and couldn't do before. "I have to prove myself to Acornstar."

Runningmouse kept his head tilted away, "Don't go, Ivy, I mean it. If you go..." he trailed off.

Ivyshadow leaned her head down, trying to meet his eyes. "I have to go."

Runningmouse jerked up, frustrated, "Ivy, you are the last cat I have. I can't afford to lose you!"

Ivysahdow took a step back, surprised at his outburst. "Runningmouse, I'll be fine!"

"Can you promise that?" Runningmouse snapped back.

Ivyshadow finally met his dark brown eyes. He was so full of pain, of grief. "Yes," she whispered, "I promise." But how could she promise? What if she did die?

Runningmouse took a deep breath, in and out. "Come visit me at half moon."


"Near the old spruce tree, south."

Ivyshadow nodded, "I'll be there at midnight."


Early the next morning, Ivyshadow, Redclaw and Forestpaw set off without ceremony. Ivyshadow walked next to Forestpaw, with Redclaw alone a few steps behind.

"This sucks, I already miss Goldpaw," Forestpaw grumbled, "and I'll miss Petalkit's warrior ceremony."

Privately, Ivyshadow agreed with Forestpaw. How was she supposed to train him if they had to hunt in a bunch of tunnels? Ivyshadow realized with a pang that she would also miss Snowfall's kitting. Not to mention Morningpaw and Daypaw's warrior ceremonies... so many things happened in just two moons. And yet - she was a mentor now, not just a warrior. She had to see the positive. "It'll be a good experience for us! Maybe some hunting or fighting moves we learn here can help us back home."

Forestpaw snorted, "Yeah, if the sun falls. When am I going to need to know how to hunt in the pitch black?"

This was true; even at night, the moon and stars were more than enough for Ivyshadow to see. "Well, we're doing this for territory. We'll get that at least."

"Yeah, but-"

"Do you know where we left off on the warrior code?" Ivyshadow asked, purely to shut up his complaints.

They ran into Mistyweb waiting by the border for them, and Ivyshadow gave her a respectful nod. She knew Mistyweb vaguely as the young Swaying Grass Medicine Cat. "Greetings!" the pretty white she-cat dipped her head in return, "I thought I'd wait for your patrol."

Ivyshadow frowned. Did she think they were weak? "That's wasn't necessary, but I appreciate the gesture."

Mistyweb smiled, looking sheepish, "the truth is, I was a little worried to enter the camp on my own."

Ivyshadow relaxed some of her natural boundaries. Mistyweb was a Medicine Cat; that was different than trusting a warrior. "No problem! We would be happy to walk with you."

Mistyweb purred, relieved, "Thank you!"

Mistyweb fell into step beside Ivyshadow and her apprentice, and they started up the hill again. "How have things been going in Tall Trees?"

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