"Wow," I said, "I had a feeling she would try and lure you back in, too. But I take your point that I'm sure she is hurt and confused. It doesn't look the best on us...knowing that you just got out of a relationship with her, and now we are starting something."

"It doesn't look the best on me," Ezra said, "Not you. I'm the one in this situation who made a mistake by being in a relationship with Taylor when my heart wasn't really into it. And I'll never do that again."

Ezra gave me a small smile and adoring look as she said that to me.

"You better not," I said to her, in a joking but affectionate tone.

"My heart is fully in this with you, Eve," Ezra said to me, "It always has been."

"And mine is fully in this with you," I said back to Ezra, "I told Honey about us."

"I'm sure she responded well. She seems like she would."

"She did. She was a bit worried that you disliked her, though."

Ezra laughed and said, "I can imagine I gave her quite the look when I saw you two making out."

"You could say that," I chuckled, 'But I assured her that you don't dislike her. Honey wants to hang out with you, and she wants to introduce you to Max and Cleo, who we hang out with as well."

"I think that sounds great," Ezra said, "I'd really like to meet them."

"We'll arrange something soon, then," I said to Ezra.

She smiled and me and then asked, "Do you want to go grab something to eat? I'm starved. I was too anxious to eat at work after everything that happened with Taylor."

"Sure," I said, "I haven't eaten in hours. Only pizza places will be open, though."

"Fine by me if it's fine by you?"

"Of course," I nodded.

Ezra and I put on light hoodies and then left the house to walk to whatever pizza spot was open. We stumbled upon Lorenzo's Pizza. Right away when we walked in, I immediately recognized the girl behind the counter. It was the girl with black hair and blue eyes that Ezra had said was "hot" when we first moved in. I remembered the flirtatious look that Ezra gave her, and felt slight concern it would happen again. I hated that I felt that way, but I couldn't help it.

Ezra, however, acted completely normal around her. She was polite, but not flirtatious in the least. There were tables outside of Lorenzo's, so we decided to sit outside and eat.

Ezra bit into her pizza and nodded, "Oh, yeah. This is just what I needed."

"You know," I said, "We came here when we first moved in. And you told me that you thought the girl behind the counter was "pretty hot"."

Ezra stared at me for a second and said, "Oh. Well...I really wish I hadn't said that. If I'm being honest, I was likely trying to see what your reaction was."

"I remember it didn't make me feel great. When we walked in, I immediately knew she was your type. Blac hair, blue eyes, tanned skin."

"If you haven't noticed, I usually don't stick to a type," Ezra said, "I've only got eyes for you, though. I promise. I wasn't even looking at her...and I'm really sorry if I made you feel upset that night. And other nights when I would comment on other girls."

"I'm sure I did it, too," I said, "And I'll admit...I always felt like I was on a bit of a roller coaster of emotions with you. Some nights I felt on top of the world and had hope, and other nights I felt really lousy."

"I never want you to feel that way again, Eve," Ezra said to me, "The roller coaster ride has ended. For good."

I felt myself smile at Ezra.

"That's all I ever wanted."

Ezra and I finished up our pizza, and then we started to walk back home. Ezra slung her arm around me and I held onto her hand that was over my shoulder.

"Can we stop at 7-11?" I asked Ezra, "I have a craving for peach rings."

Ezra rolled her eyes but smiled, "Yeah, of course."

We made an extra turn down the street to walk to 7-11, and I then started to feel my phone vibrate in my hoodie pocket.

"Is someone calling you?" Ezra asked.

"Why do I feel like it's my mom?" I said, and then I checked my phone.

It was my mom.

I stared at my phone for a second and stopped walking. Ezra stood next to me and said, "You don't have to answer."

"I know," I sighed, "I really don't want to. But she's going to keep calling."

"I'm here, whatever you want to do," Ezra reassured me.

"Thank you," I said, "I'm just going to answer and get it over with. I'll be wondering all night why she's calling."

I answered at the last ring.


Immediately I knew that she was drunk.

"Eve, when the hell are you coming home?" my mom's voice came through, "Your mother misses you. Did you forget about me?"

At least Jordan didn't tell her that I stopped by.

Ezra, who could hear her, shook her head.

"Mom. I'm not dealing with you right now," I said to her, "If you can't have a normal conversation, I'm going to hang up."

"Go ahead then. You won't do it."

Immediately, I hung up.

Ezra chuckled and said, "I'm so glad you did that."

"I needed to," I said, "It's the same thing every time she calls me. She needs to just stop."

"She doesn't deserve any of your time, Eve. Maybe you should block her for good? I know you have before a couple of times in the past, but you wound up unblocking her."

I stared at my phone for a moment and said, "I don't think I can. Not yet."

"That's okay," Ezra said, "How about we go get you some peach rings and try to forget she called you tonight."

I smiled up at Ezra and said, "Sounds like a plan." 

At least things have pretty much fallen into place with Ezra.

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