"It must've been hard having me out for so long, huh?" she says playing with the sleeve of my shirt. I nod sadly as the memories of the last few months overwhelm my emotions. 

"I was so scared," I say honestly to her. I'd never felt such fear or uncertainty in my life until this happened. I've never felt so hopeless and useless at the same time too.

"You wanna talk about it?" she asks softly and she can see the hesitation in my eyes. 

"Talk to me, baby.  I just wanna hear your lovely voice. Tell me what happened," she insists for both herself and me. I tell her about everything that happened from the moment I found her that day to the events that took place today. I told her how much I was emotionally challenged all these months and how I took my emotions out on those around me. I told her about everything that happened with Soo-min and how I felt seeing them happy together. I told her about Nari and how we've somewhat got a better understanding of one another. I tell her everything that has been weighing me down while she's been gone and she listens intently to each thing. 

While we were talking, we held onto each other's hands, and she told me what it was like for her these past few months. How she had these odd dreams and moments of nothingness. She told me it didn't feel like four months to her. More like a long night's rest instead. I'm glad it wasn't as long for her as it was for me. After a while of catching up, Dae-Hyun comes back into the room. 

"Just checking to make sure you're alright," he says. 

"I'm perfectly fine Doctor Lee. Oh, and congratulations. Bada told me you and Soo-min are having twins. You guys must be super excited," she says. 

"Thank you. We're very happy to have two more bundles of joy to come along in the family. Speaking of, I'm so glad you're awake. It kept Soo-min up at night not wanting to name the kids without you here. She wanted nothing more than for you to be here before she gives birth," he says and Luna looks confused. 

"Oh, Soo-min wants us to name the kids," I tell her and for the first time since she's woken up, I can see that beam, that glitter of light in her eyes and my heart swells. 

"Can we name one Taquito?" she asks happily clapping her hands. I can never get over how adorable she is. 

"Taquito, like the food?" Dae-Hyun asks. 

"What? I'm kinda hungry and that name has a nice ring to it. It was either that or pork chop," she says shrugging her shoulders. Yup, I've missed my girl so much. 

"Uhh, we'll keep those on the list...somewhere, but speaking of food I'll go get you something. Bada have you eaten today," he asks looking at me and I shake my head no. Luna gasps softly hitting my arm. 

"Bada Lee, it is," she says glancing at the clock. 

"Almost midnight and you haven't eaten dinner yet?" she says pinning me with her glare. Little does she know, her glare is equivalent to baby tigers and only makes her look so much more adorable than scary. 

"I'm sorry baby," I say smiling kissing the back of her hand. 

"Ughhh, and you look thinner. Doctor Lee, have you guys not been feeding her?" she asks dramatically. 

"We try but she has a mind of her own. She's worse than getting the kids to eat their greens," he says making a face at me. 

"Heyyyy," I say and we all laugh. 

"Alright, you guys sit tight. I'll bring some food over in a few minutes," he says before exiting the room leaving just the two of us again. I rolled back over on my left side so I was facing her again. 

Sea of Stars 별바다Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora