Thinking of Home

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"Fire Dragon's Roar!" Natsu said as he breathed a pillar of fire at Yuna who quickly reacted to his attack.

"Dimensional Dragon's Portal!" Yuna said as she formed a portal in front of her and another portal behind her. The flames went into the portal before her and came out behind her through the other portal, completely missing her.

"Dimensional Dragon's Shattering Fang!" Yuna yelled as she enveloped her hands in a gauntlet made of shards of reality. She charged and swiped at Natsu who dodged her attack and countered with an attack of his own.

"Fire Dragon's Iron Fist!" Natsu shouted as he lit his fist on fire and threw a punch at Yuna who blocked it with her forearm which was still protected by her reality shard gauntlet. They continued sparring until they got tired. They sprawled out in the grass and chatted with each other for a while. Shortly after, Igneel came over to pick Natsu up. Yuna said goodbye to Natsu and she continued her training and education with Planeus without problems. Natsu, however, was distracted during his training and educational lessons with Igneel. The truth about Yuna's past and the fact that she would eventually have to return home haunted him. They would continue to bother him for years.

~Time Skip (4 Years 5 Days)~

It was July 7 and Yuna was nine years old now. It was Natsu's birthday today and he was turning eleven years old. Planeus and Igneel decided to lay off of training and education for today because it was Natsu's birthday. So Yuna and Natsu were just hanging out and having a good time together while Planeus and Igneel got a break from teaching the youngsters. Yuna and Natsu decided to go hunting and fishing together since they were hungry. Natsu caught the biggest fish of his life and Yuna took down a wild boar. They were proud of their catches and went to go show their dragon foster fathers. But when they reached the area their foster fathers said they were going to be, the dragons weren't there. They were nowhere to be found. Yuna and Natsu just assumed they were somewhere else and cooked up their catches with Natsu's flames. They ate and had their fill. It was now late afternoon and there was still no sign of Planeus or Igneel.

"Hey don't you think it's strange that we haven't seen Planeus nor Igneel?" Yuna mentioned as Natsu thought for a moment.

"Yeah you're right. Maybe we should go look for them." Natsu said as he and Yuna started looking for their dragons together. A couple hours passed with no luck. They were starting to get worried about their dragon fathers. Another hour of searching went by and they finally gave into their exhaustion and sat down. A short old man wearing a cloak over his clothes approached them.

"What are you doing all alone children? Where are you parents?" The old man asked Yuna and Natsu.

"We can't find our fathers. Their names are Igneel and Planeus. They're dragons." Natsu said as Yuna nodded in confirmation. The old man scratched his chin.

"Hmm... dragons eh? Well I haven't seen any dragons. But you two will need a family and a place to call home. What do you think of joining the Fairy Tail guild? To us, guild members are treated like family and the guild hall is like our home." The old man said reaching out his hands to Natsu and Yuna who looked up at him for a moment. Then they looked at each other and nodded. They looked back at the old man.

"We accept your invite to Fairy Tail." Yuna said as Natsu nodded. They took the old man's hands and got up. Then they followed him to the guild hall.

"Forgive me, I believe I have not yet introduced myself yet. My name is Makarov Dreyar. I am the master of Fairy Tail." Makarov said as they walked to the guild hall.

"I'm Yuna Sakai." Yuna said, introducing herself as well.

"And I'm Natsu Dragneel." Natsu introduced himself next.

"Just wondering, what magic can you two use?" Makarov asked them.

"I use fire dragon slayer magic." Natsu said as he produced a small flame above his hand.

"And I use dimensional dragon slayer magic." Yuna said as she waved her hand, causing the fabric of reality to ripple. The ripples then hardened and shattered. Yuna waved her hand again and willed the shards to swirl around then dissipate into crystal dust.

"Hmm interesting. I think you'll do well in Fairy Tail. Anyways here we are." Makarov said as they approached the guild hall doors. He opened them and gestured for Yuna and Natsu to go inside. There, they were given many color choices for their guild mark. Natsu decided to go with a red guild mark and chose to get it on his right shoulder. Yuna went with a light teal guild mark on the back of her left hand. After they got their guild marks, they were introduced to the guild members that were present at the guild hall.

~Time Skip (1 Year 9 Months 13 Days)~

It was now April 20 and both Yuna and Natsu had gotten quite acquainted with the other members of Fairy Tail including Erza Scarlet, Gray Fullbuster, Cana Alberona, and Gildarts Clive. There were also some members that had joined after they did that they had gotten to know as well. They were siblings and their names were Mirajane, Elfman, and Lisanna Strauss. Natsu got closer with Yuna as time went by. He started to get close with Lisanna as well. One day, Natsu and Yuna found two large eggs. Lisanna decided to help them raise the eggs over the course of the next two months.

~Time Skip (2 Months)~

It was the afternoon of June 20 and Natsu was freaking out because his and Yuna's eggs were missing. He went back to the guild hall and started accusing his guild mates of stealing the eggs. Elfman then appeared carrying the eggs, admitting to taking them. But he only did it to nurture them. Suddenly, the shells of the eggs started to crack. A blue cat with wings hatched from Natsu's egg. He ended up naming him Happy. A winged dark gray tabby cat hatched from Yuna's egg. She decided to name her Zoey. Later that evening, Yuna, Natsu and their newborn cats were hanging out in the guild hall. Suddenly memories of Izuku and her family pricked at her mind, bringing tears to her eyes.

"I'm gonna go outside and get some fresh air." Yuna said as she left the table and walked hurriedly towards the guild hall doors, rubbing her eyes as she exited the building. Meanwhile, Natsu just stared in the direction that Yuna went. Lisanna approached him and put her hand on his shoulder.

"You may want to go after her." Lisanna suggested to Natsu who nodded and got up from the table to go after Yuna. He knew exactly where to find her. He arrived at Southgate Park and saw Yuna sitting at the base of the large tree at the center of the park.

"Hey Yuna. Are you okay?" Natsu said as Yuna quickly wiped her face of her tears as soon as she heard his voice.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine. I'm just... thinking of home, my parents, and my best friend Izuku. I haven't seen them in almost seven years. I miss them." Yuna said as Natsu sighed then sat down in front of her.

"It's okay Yuna. You'll get to see them again. Your magic's nearly strong enough to go back home." Natsu said with a smile. Yuna sniffed and Natsu reached over and placed his hand lovingly on her cheek.

"It'll only be a little longer. So cheer up, okay?" Natsu said soothingly as Yuna leaned into his warm hand.

"Thank you Natsu." Yuna said as Natsu slowly pulled his hand away and stood up. He held out his hand out to Yuna. She took it and he helped her up to her feet.

"Let's go back to the guild, Yuna." Natsu said as he put his hand on her shoulder. Then they walked back to the guild together.


Thanks for reading chapter 4 of "Hero, Dragon, and Demon" my Izuku Midoriya, Natsu Dragneel, Asta Staria X OC crossover fan fiction. Keeping track of their ages is a little hard so, I'll do it for you. At the beginning of this chapter, Yuna is five years old and Natsu is six, five days away from turning seven. When they join Fairy Tail, Yuna is nine years old and Natsu is eleven years old. By the end of this chapter, Yuna is eleven and Natsu is twelve, almost thirteen.

Hero, Dragon, and Demon [Izuku Midoriya, Natsu Dragneel, Asta Staria X OC]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang