Play Date Gone Wrong

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There was a knock on the door of the Sakai Family's apartment. A man named Makoto answered to find his neighbor Inko Midoriya standing there with her two-day-old baby boy in her arms.

"Hello Makoto. I was wondering if you guys would like to meet little Izuku." Inko said to him.

"Of course! Come on in!" Makoto welcomed his neighbor and her baby inside his apartment. Inko was a close friend of Makoto and his wife Aya since they had been neighbors for years.

"Aya Honey, Inko is here and she brought baby Izuku over." Makoto called out to his wife who was in her two-month-old daughter Yuna's room waking her up from her nap. She lifted the infant up out of her crib and carried her to the living room where her husband and neighbor were waiting.

"Why hello Inko. Welcome back from the hospital. So this is Izuku, huh? He's so adorable!" Aya greeted Inko.

"Why thank you." Inko said as Izuku babbled happily in her arms. The noise of a fellow infant caught little Yuna's attention and she started to get vocal too. She began reaching in the direction of Izuku's voice.

"Looks like Yuna wants to meet Izuku." Aya said as she brought Yuna over to Inko and Izuku who got more excited when he saw the dark brown-haired infant getting closer. He reached towards Yuna and she continued to do the same. When they were close enough, they grabbed each other's hands and giggled. Izuku stared into Yuna's teal-colored eyes as she stared back into his emerald ones. The three parents chuckled at the adorable meeting.

"Aww they already like each other." Inko said as she smiled at the two babies happily playing what seemed like their own version of patty cake. The parents chatted for a while as the two babies played with each other from their mother's laps. When it was time to leave, Inko stood up with baby Izuku who started to cry from being pulled away from Yuna who also began to whimper because her new friend was leaving.

"Oh no Yuna, don't cry. It'll be okay. Izuku will be back." Aya said to her daughter while trying to calm her down.

"Inko, you're welcome to bring Izuku over anytime." Makoto said to Inko who was still trying to calm down her baby boy.

"Shh shh, it's okay Izuku. You hear that? You'll see Yuna again soon." Inko said to sooth her little boy as she cradled him in her arms. Both babies started to calm down. It was as if they understood what their parents were saying.

~Time Skip~

Over the years, Yuna Sakai and Izuku Midoriya had frequent play dates due to their parents bringing them with whenever they visited each other's apartments as friends. As they grew up together, they became quite fond of each other, even attending the same kindergarten. They were pretty much inseparable and were together whenever their parents allowed them to be. It was now June 4 and Yuna Sakai just turned four years old one month ago on May 4. Izuku was close to turning four, his birthday being on July 15. They were on a play date at his apartment while Yuna's father Makoto was at work and her mother Aya was running errands. They were playing one of their favorite games where they dressed up as heroes and went on missions together. Izuku wore his All Might costume over his clothes and Yuna had her blanket tied around her neck.

"Good work Teleportia! We captured the villain and put him in jail!" Izuku said as he put a figurine under an overturned laundry basket. Teleportia was Yuna's hero name for this game. She didn't have her own quirk yet so she just pretended she had her dad's quirk. Her father Makoto worked as a professional hero. His quirk was Teleportation. He could teleport himself, people, and/or objects to any place that he'd previously been. Her mother Aya was currently a stay-at-home mom. She used to be a professional hero but quit once Yuna was born so she could take care of her. Her quirk was Pocket Dimension which allowed her to open portals to different dimensions. And she could use those portals to store objects of any size and had access to them at all times. Yuna always wanted to be a hero just like Izuku did. They had a lot of fun pretending to be heroes, plus they both admired them especially All Might. Suddenly, the door to Izuku's room opened and Inko came in.

Hero, Dragon, and Demon [Izuku Midoriya, Natsu Dragneel, Asta Staria X OC]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt