Fire Meets Dimension

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It was morning and Yuna woke up, stretched and yawned. Planeus wasn't there next to her. She was surprised him leaving didn't wake her up since she fell asleep against him. She wasn't a light sleeper but wasn't a heavy sleeper either. Planeus peered into the cave shortly after she woke up.

"Rise and shine Yuna. Ready to start training?" Planeus asked Yuna who nodded her head and followed the dragon out of the cave to a clearing in the forest.

"What I am about to teach you is called dragon slayer magic. It is magic taught by dragons that gives one the power to defeat a dragon. Specifically, you will be learning dimensional dragon slayer magic since I am the Great Dimensional Dragon. But before I teach you any of my moves, you must learn the fundamentals of magic and how to harness its power." Planeus explained as Yuna nodded. Planeus then started to explain all the basics on magic and how to sense it, harness and manifest it. It was too much to process for one day, so Planeus's lessons spanned over the course of a couple days. The next phase, phase 2, was putting that knowledge to use.

"Now that I've explained how to sense Ethernano or magical energy, it's time to try it. Go ahead, close your eyes and clear your mind. Focus solely on feeling the Ethernano around you." Planeus said as Yuna did as he instructed. She closed her eyes and tried to rid her mind of all thoughts. But her mind was racing with the thoughts of her home, her parents and best friend Izuku Midoriya. The more she tried to push those thoughts aside, the more vividly she saw them. She couldn't focus on anything but those things. She opened her eyes, a look of sadness appearing on her face.

"I can't do it. My head is filled with thoughts of home and the people I care about there that I left behind." Yuna said starting to tear up as Planeus sighed.

"Look I'm gonna be honest with you. You're gonna have to forget about all that. Forget your family and friends, forget about home. You don't have to forget them permanently, just long enough to get through this exercise. And we may have to repeat this exercise many times until you are proficient in sensing magic power. Right now, these thoughts are intrusive and are preventing you from progressing in your training." Planeus said bluntly.

"Look at it this way. The thoughts of these people you care about are currently in the way of you getting back to them. You do want to see them again, right? You must let them go for now. Try it again." Planeus said firmly.

"Okay..." Yuna said as she closed her eyes and tried again to clear her thoughts. Once again, she saw her best friend Izuku and her mother and father staring back at her.

"I have to forget about you. I have to forget. Otherwise I may never be able to come back. So please, go away... Leave!" Yuna said mentally to the holograms of Izuku and her parents inside her head. They gave her a sad look before fading away. Then her mind was blank. Yuna breathed in deeply and focused on feeling the concentrations of Ethernano around her. Slowly but surely, she could start to pick up on the Ethernano signatures around her. She couldn't really explain how she could feel it. It was like a sixth sense.

"I feel it. It's faint, but I can feel it." Yuna said as Planeus chuckled.

"Eventually you'll be able to feel it easily without concentrating like this. It will all come naturally." Planeus said as Yuna opened her eyes and smiled up at the dragon who smiled back.

~Time Skip~

Over the next few days, Yuna worked on her ability to sense the Ethernano concentrations around her. And like Planeus said, she was starting to notice it without needing to focus on it. She was now ready for phase 3: harnessing her magic power and manifesting it.

"I believe you're finally ready to learn your first spell. The spell I'm going to teach you is an attack move: the breath attack. It's one of the signature moves of a dragon. My particular breath attack is called Dimensional Dragon's Roar. Now watch closely." Planeus said as he took a deep breath in. Yuna could sense Planeus's magic power accumulate as he readied himself to unleash his breath attack.

Hero, Dragon, and Demon [Izuku Midoriya, Natsu Dragneel, Asta Staria X OC]Where stories live. Discover now