The Other Dragon Slayers

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Yuna had just made her first friend in Earth-land: a fire dragon slayer named Natsu Dragneel. He was two years older than her. She met Natsu when he and Igneel visited Planeus while he was training her. The two of them ended up sparring together then spent time getting to know each other while their dragon fathers chatted to catch up with one another. Right as Natsu and Igneel were leaving, Planeus told them that Natsu could visit any time because Yuna needed a sparring partner to train with that was more her size rather than dragon-sized. Nearly every day, Igneel would drop off Natsu to train with Yuna after she finished her training with Planeus. They would spar together then hang out and chat for a while until Igneel came back to pick Natsu up.

~Time Skip (About 1 Year)~

It was July 1st and it was time for the third quarterly dragon meeting that Planeus had to attend. The dragons held meetings once every three months or four times a year: January 1, April 1, July 1, and October 1. He decided to bring Yuna along with him this time. This was her first time coming to a dragon meeting and she was kind of nervous.

"Are you sure I should come with? I mean, I'm not a dragon after all. What can I even contribute?" Yuna asked Planeus who chuckled.

"Don't worry, you don't have to do anything. The other dragons bring their adoptive children with, so it's not out of the ordinary." Planeus answered Yuna. When they approached the meeting location, there were five dragons and five children already there. Natsu was fighting with a boy his age who had red eyes and black hair that spiked upwards. He also had metal studs on his face and ears. There was a little girl with brown eyes and dark blue hair that was crying as the boys fought. She looked to be around one years old. There were two other boys there as well. They were about the same age as the little girl. One of them had dark blue eyes and short blonde spiky hair. The other boy had red eyes and black hair in a buzz cut style. They both looked at Natsu and the other boy whom he was quarreling with admiration in their eyes. When Planeus and Yuna arrived, the other dragons turned their attention to them.

"Sorry to keep you waiting." Planeus apologized to the other dragons.

"Good to see you again Yuna." Igneel greeted Yuna.

"Yeah, you too Igneel." Yuna said as Igneel smiled at her. As soon as Natsu heard Yuna's voice, he stopped fighting with the black haired boy with metal studs on his face.

"Hey Yuna! Glad you're here. This jerk, Gajeel, keeps annoying me." Natsu said, pointing at the boy he was fighting with just a moment ago.

"You're the one who attacked first." The boy who must have been Gajeel said to Natsu.

"Well you started it by giving me a dirty look." Natsu said as the two of them started to argue. The argument then turned into a brawl. Natsu's scarf fell off in the scuffle.

"Hey, would you quit fighting?" Yuna said loudly while waving her hand at them, trying to get them to stop quarreling. When that didn't work, Yuna sighed and used her dimensional dragon slayer magic to break up their fight.

"Dimensional Dragon's Portal!" Yuna said as she held out her hands and produced two portals between the two boys right as they were about to clash. They had no time to stop to avoid running into the portals where they came out of the opposite portal running away from each other. They stopped running, confused on what just happened. Yuna then got their attentions.

"That's enough you two! I don't care who started it. Just stop fighting already." Yuna said to Natsu and Gajeel.

"Fine, fine." Natsu said as he crossed his arms and rolled his eyes. Gajeel just huffed and looked away with a grumpy pout on his face.

Hero, Dragon, and Demon [Izuku Midoriya, Natsu Dragneel, Asta Staria X OC]Where stories live. Discover now