You Bug me ( Say I Love You)

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(Authors notes: A bit smutty, remember- I did say Toby was a little pervert in this. Why not explore that?


The boy watched from the closet, shaking as the two interacted, one treating the other like a lover that didn't belong to them. 

"Do you need me to stay?" the blonde one asked, pulling away from the smaller other. 

"No, I'll be okay. I need time alone." she had said. 

The blond frowns momentarily. " Do you have my number? I want to call later to check up on you" 

He watches. The boy in the closet, watches as she fidgets under his striking blue gaze as she pulls her phone from  her pocket, typing in her password with shaking fingers, and handing it to him. He was quick to put his number in- and call his own phone. 

He didn't give the girl a chance to try and dupe him with a fake number, even if she had- that wouldn't have made her a very good friend now, would it? 

Meanwhile, the boy in the closet shifted uncomfortably as he watched the two before him interact. His love, and someone he thought was a friend.

What else was a lie from this man, if his friendship wasn't even honest?

Toby gripped the wooden door in his gloved hand, watching the blond give the girl one more tight hug before leaving, he acted as if he didn't want to let go- and it nearly sent Toby out the closet with a hatchet in hand. He couldn't mess things up for himself again though.

Watch yourself, little boy, leash your demon- don't control it.

After he shut the bedroom door behind him the girl let out a shaky breath and slid down her wall next to her night stand, reaching a hand in to pull the teeth out that the boy had left.

"There's no locking you up, is there?" She muttered softly, staring down at the blood stained bones in her hand.

Of course not, why would there be?

"You just keep coming back. No regard for the pain you're causing us"

He did everything in regard.

He watched her move them around before a familiar white fluff approached from under the bed meowing.

She smiled sadly, and patted her lap for the kitten to crawl into.

" Hi there Rodgers, you must be so hungry" she muttered reaching down and picking up his bowl while reaching for a can of cat food, feeding the starving creature who devoured the food up greedily making a small 'nom' noise with each bite making you chuckle, even the boy hiding in the closet couldn't help but smile. He was still angry, but he could control himself.

He could leash his demons for you, only you.

He watched as the girl dialed a number, putting the phone to her ear as she gentle pet the cat.

"Hey Liu, it's me yea- sorry for not responding to your messages last night, you really blew my phone up. - is Billy? Good. I hope his mom isn't mad at me"

She paused, listening. " I know it wasn't my fault but I still feel guilty" she pauses looking down at the small cat listening to the male talk.

"Yea I'm fine, the doctor said I have a small lung infection but the antibiotics will clear it up. She told me not to cough or else I'll irritate everything but it's difficult"

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