King Terror

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You were shaking. Your vision blurry as the smoke from down stairs bellowed up and fire fighters busted into the room, Toby pushed you towards the window, urging for a quick escape but neither of you were given time to think. Before you knew it, firemen had you both, pulling you out of the burning house and into police custody.

At least that's what should've happened. 

He pushed you towards the window, carefully as he turned to face an officer who had busted into the room,

"Son, you don't have to do this. Both you and the girl come with me and we'll leave out of here safely"

Toby raised a brow, shielding you with his body protectively.

"Officer, you can't offer a boot and expect me to kiss it" he began to chuckle.

" As soon as we leave I'm going to the slammer. Can't tell me otherwise. I know your stupid games. You can't play with me"

The officer glared, taking a step forward into room, the smoke was rising and the only fresh air soaked in from the window. You leaned against the seal of it, trying to breath in the fresh air but you were getting sicker by the second.

"Come on, kid. I know you don't want to do this"

Toby stared. " She's all I have left. I just want my life back "

" So this is what it's about? Having control of what you have left? "


The answer was simple, and straight to the point. Toby took a step forward while pulling his hatchet.

"Put that hatchet down-- son don-"


Your sweet voice filled the boys ears drowning out the others, making him redirect his attention to you. You stood, weakly against the window seal, looking up at him with a sad look in your eyes. He cupped your cheek gently, his worried eyes looking into yours.

He was just as scared as you were.

"Toby.. I can't breath, we need.. I need to go, let me go"

He steadied you as your body seemed as if it wanted to give way under you. He cursed, his eyes flicking over to the officer who had stepped closer during his distraction.

"St-stay back" his shoulders crack as his neck twitched, his Tourette's picking up as his nerves began to tic, trigging his disorders more than they usually were. He pulled you carefully into his jittery arms.

The officer throws his hands up, and pockets his gun. " No harm no foul now, yea? Help me, to help you and that girl. She said your name was Toby, right?"

The officer coughs, he was a taller man in his 60s, a shaved head and a furrowed brow. He had a pair of tired green eyes, with a scar across his crooked nose. He held a look of determination behind his respirator.

" Listen Toby, I've been given orders to shoot if I have to but I don't want to. I don't want some kids blood on my hands, so come on. Please son, make this easy on all of us. Your girl there isn't doin too well- she's gon' need medical attention"

His thick, country accent swayed in and out of Toby's ears like a swing on a front porch, the heat was gathering his sweat like dew on his forehead and cheeks, your body was limp and warm like an animal asleep on his lap, and the cool air hitting his back, reminded him that he had two options.

Do the right thing.

Or dive deeper into madness.

His eyes went down to you, your weak form breathing raspy shallow breaths. The smoke had done a number on you, more than he had accounted for. It never was that bad when he would set them outside, but here? In an enclosed house? That was a different story. He hadn't of accounted on you being less used to breathing in smoke, nor had he considered the flames arising so quickly. 

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