Dreaming With you, Dear

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The boy in the woods stirred softly in his sleep, his back resting against the base of a tree as he slept. 

To the outside world, he looked peaceful, with his hands rested against the knees he had pulled to his chest, a fallen leaf rested in his messy hair- with his goggles and mouth guard a tangled mess on his neck. But on the inside, inside his mind it was being conflicted with odd dreams, dreams of a girl he had slowly been taking to stalking since she arrive home. 

Dreams of awaking to warm fall mornings with her wrapped in his arms- skin soft and fresh in his grasp, different than the feeling of someone struggling underneath- begging for their life. Instead- that girl would ask something else of him. 

She would ask for his affection, at the dead of night- wanting soft kisses and to be held- that girl suffered from nightmares, and he always fixed it up just right. Her scent was still sweet on his nose, reminding him almost of the wild honey suckle, and flowers near by- a soft vanilla was always in her hair. 

But that face, 

That panicked face- was all too familiar. 

It would wake him up, at the dead of night. The room would be cold, but the blankets and sheets were always warm. Your gentle hands shaking him awake. 

"Toby- I had a nightmare"  you would say, and he would open his eyes- adjusting them to the dim light of the street lights that came through your bedroom window- taking in your shaking form. Wearing but a tank top and shorts- your skin bristled with goosebumps. 

"You're cold- come here" he'd say in a sleepy tone- bringing one of his up to grasp the back of your neck- bringing your down into his chest as he began to rub your scalp in a soothing manner, while attempting to cover you back up- bringing you back into the comfortably warm embrace that was his arms and your sheets.  "What was your nightmare about?" he would ask with a yawn.

"There was a man, without a face." you would say softly. 

"Again?" he would ask. And you would nod, and he would let out a sigh, sitting up as he did- shifting you two into a sitting position. He removed the hoodie he was wearing- striped sleeves with a smiley face graphic, and handed it to you- leaving him bare chested and shivering- he was always a cold person.

"Here, take it- even when I can't be there to scare the scary no faced man away-  think of this as a good luck charm. It'll scare him away"  he would say, watching you slide the warmed hoodie on- smiling once he saw just how big it was on you. "Let's lay back down now" 

As his head hit the pillow- and his eyes came to a close, 

the boy in the forests eyes opened. He took in a deep breath of the fresh air around him. He looked up- taking in the sky and his surroundings as the dream that played out played on his mind still. 

Never had he thought he would miss a face of fear so much, and he was so happy it belonged to you. He looked down at his scarred hands- bite marks covering his finger tips, ones he had self inflicted on himself. He could still feel the way your soft hair felt between his fingers, the way it felt just so right. How warm your skin was- he wished he had more control of himself, so that he could have asked you more questions- rather than threaten your life. 

He took to his feet, stretching as he had- 

" I wonder.. what Y/n is doing" 

He couldn't help himself. He couldn't help but love the taste of your name on his tongue.

He found himself walking through the forest, back tracking back to your home, curious about what new thing he'd discover about himself through you. He noticed a rock sitting off to the side, which he picked up and tossed a few times in his hands- remembering the dream he had had and the words you had spoken- 

Remember me, My Dear (Possessive! Stalker! Ticci Toby X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now