Pumpkin Eater

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(Authors note: Happy Halloween! I hope you enjoy this story and everything thus far! All my stories will be getting an update today/ tonight- a little into the next day- oops!- so if you're reading multiples by me-  Well, I just gotta say- I hope you like my little treat for all of you! 

Fair warning- mention of school shooting/ arson. Though what would you have expected from the little psycho?


After the incident with the boy, you found yourself staying in your room, developing a light phobia of the outside and the forest. Currently, you found yourself laying back on your bed- staring at the ripped up notes from that dreadful night. 

"Stop looking for me, " he said. Yet-

He came by that morning to drop those two shredded notes onto your desk- he had been there, inside your room once more. The smell of candy, fire and the forest still wafted through your room. It scared you, because you realized that he didn't hold to his word, so why should you hold to yours?

You got up from the warmth of your bed, taking slow careful steps towards the desk- towards the note that laid in its many pieces. Your hands shook as you reached a hand out to it, picking them up, slowly putting them together, as you did you realized it said something across the back of it. 

"I miss you" it had said. Just three little words, scribbled across the ripped pages. You felt a familiar empty feeling rise in your chest.  

"I miss you too" you found yourself muttering, but why did you miss him? He's a murderer- a killer. He hurts others and finds a sick pleasure in hurting you too. So why do you want him so badly?

Ah, that's right. 

Because i'ts not just anyone, it's Toby. The boy of a million shattered memories, all held together with a hint of arson. 

Your mind began to wonder, when a knock came from your door making you stiffen. Was it your mother again? You could do without her. 

"Y/n.. Can... Can we come in?"

It was Ben, and Jeff. 

You carefully pushed the shredded notes into your desk, and began to unlock your door, opening it for the two boys to come inside before quickly shutting the door behind the three of you again, locking it once more to avoid your mother trying to barge in uninvited. 

"Y/n, you haven't come out your room, let alone your house in a month. You haven't been coming to school. Your mom hasn't been letting us in ether- we just had to force our way in just now!  And - fuck man you look thin. Can we all eat something together?" Ben had said, placing a worried hand against your shoulder, squeezing it. 

You grasped his hand- he shivered at how cold your fingers were but didn't try to move away. Jeff was setting some food on your desk- a few sweets like pumpkin pie and candy, along with a few actual food items they had picked up from your favorite fast food joint- one you and Toby had liked apparently. You couldn't remember though. 

He held a fry up to your mouth. "Seriously, eat. Please. We'll eat with you to make you feel better, I just want to see you do it " the brown haired male said, his blue eyes looking at me with concern as I turned my head away. Staring out my window instead. He sighed, him and Ben sharing a look. 

"Fuck I wish Toby was here" Ben muttered. 

No, you don't. 

Jeff nodded in agreement. " He always knew what to do" he said honestly, carefully shifting things around on your desk before picking up a forkful of the pie. 

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