Who, are you?

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(Author's note: Toby's a bit of a perv in this- at least the beginning and flash backs- since, well he is a teen boy! Silly little guy-)

The next day, you awoke with your head buzzing, buzzing with nightmares of the crash, nightmares of what your life was like before- brown hair and brown eyes haunted you. 

You sat up, and tried to clear your head of your running thoughts. Your eyes wondered the rest of your room as the morning light began to funnel in through your window, highlighting a pile of Landry in the corner- reminding you of the t shirt that covered your pillow, your eyes wondering down to it once more, your knees coming to your chest as you wrapped your arms around your knees- your injured arm becoming an arm rest as you gazed down- 

memories began to flood in and out, distant and sweet. 

A soft knocking at your door came first. 

"come in" you had said. 

And then, the door opened- a boy just as tall as the door frame stepped inside- shutting and locking the door behind him, a goofy grin across his face as he waltz inside of your space. 

"Thought I'd pay my favorite girl a visit"  he hums sweetly, wrapping his arms around your body, kissing your forehead as he had. This action, at the time- had made you laugh. You had then glanced down- at that white band T shirt your pillow wears now, he certainty wore it better. Around his waist was a hoodie with striped sleeves. Like your hoodie sleeves.

"You should lemme have this" you said playfully.

 He chuckles, and then- his shoulder twitches. Tics? " You say that about all my clothes, you live in them." he then pulled on the hoodie sleeves- 

the hoodie. 


You ran your fingers over the striped sleeves, you hadn't realized it- but it was a size too large on you- like it belonged to someone else. He had grabbed you by the arms, and pulled you to your bed. "If ya want it- then take it off"   he whispered softly, - and then?

You couldn't remember anything else from there- it was all a blur but somehow, the T shirt ended up on the floor by your bed, and you and him left shortly after, him wearing his hoodie instead, and your hair was messy from whatever you two had done.

You stared down at the hoodie you wore, before slipping it off of your body. You laid it down in your lap- the smiley face faced you almost in a taunting  way. Your eyes fell down to the white wrappings on your arm, ones that had slowly turned red. Maybe you should change them out?

Anything to distract you from the memory that kept flowing through your brain- the memories of that brown, fluffy haired boy. 

You began to unwrap the bandage around your arm, watching as stitch after stitch was exposed, starting at your wrist, traveling up your arm, and curving off over your collar bone. Around it was a few scrapes and burns, but nothing that wouldn't have left that nasty of a scar, you were thankful for the hoodie now in a way, how easy it would be to hide under it-

You began to place the medication against your skin- everything feeling as it it were all too slow and all too fast again as you explored your new, reconstructed body. from your fingers to your shoulder, you couldn't feel a thing. Everything was numb and the space that the numbness stopped was an odd tingly feeling- as if your limb was struggling to stay awake and conscious, 

Something you found yourself struggling with. You began to wrap your arm carefully- being mindful not to bust any of the stitches as you carefully brought the soft cotton up your arm, till you could tape the wrapping in place, you then turned to your closet, thumbing through all of the clothes- but you found nothing you truly wanted to wear. You turned your attention back to that hoodie across your bed, and placed it on nervously back on your body. You were comfort seeking- and for some reason, this article of clothing brought that to you. 

Remember me, My Dear (Possessive! Stalker! Ticci Toby X Reader)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum