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After a bit of fussing with your mother, over the aspect of having a sudden pet, and you going off to baby sit. She only caved in when you insisted that having it would help with your recovery, but in reality- you were just insistent on keeping him. You were desperate for any type of companionship, and who better than a small kitten? Gifted to you by no other than a burning fire himself? 

You quickly found yourself in your room, setting the kitten up for a night alone, with food and anything else the tiny thing would need- Liu was kind enough to buy a few toys for him too. 

After patting Rodger's tiny head, you quickly packed your bag for Billy's, placing in a few movies along with a change of clothes, you even found a pack of color pencils and a pad of paper in your room. Maybe you could calm the child down to draw with you?

You told your mother goodbye, once again instating your independence to her before stepping out the door and back into Lius car. The drive over was quiet- not many words being shared beyond Billy's likes and dislikes and how to get the small boy to listen to you. 

Eventually- after so many uneventful moments, you found yourself standing face to face with a small boy.

One with short black hair and big brown eyes- which stared up at your curiously. He wore a white and blue stripped shirt with green cargo shorts. A pair of dinosaur socks adorned his feet. 

"Hi" you said slowly, staring at the kid. "I'm Y/n.. I'm babysitting you tonight." You trailed off, unsure what to say- luckily for you though, Billy was feeling a lot more creative and could've cared less for formal introductions. 

" Can we play racing games?" as he spoke you could see one of his front teeth were missing, and he tethered back and forth on his feet. Your eyes fell to the play station by the tv. That- defiantly takes a lot more stress off of you. 

"Sure kid, why not?" 

The child celebrated, and had jumped over the couch and began to turn on the system, TV, and pick out his favorite two player game as you read over the note Barbara had left for you. 

"Feel free to play whatever Billy wants as long as nothing gets broken.

 At 3:30 to 4 feed him lunch you can make him some mac and cheese, you can help yourself to whatever's in the cabinets. There's money on the counter to order some pizza for dinner. 

There's left over cake in the fridge for dessert and don't be scared to break into the ice cream. Put him to bed no later than 9, and feel free to sleep in the guest room or on the couch- 

P.S, there's a heated blanket in the foot rest if you decide to sleep in the living room, and feel free to the TV just keep the volume down low. I'll be back around 6 in the morning. 


~Barbara "

~Your POV~

After a few rounds of playing this game with the kid, I felt myself begin to relax. Liu was right, Billy was easy and I was honestly having a good time with the kid. I laughed as I beat him a second time- after getting my ass kicked so many times it was my turn to beat him. I glanced up at the clock- seeing the time which made me gasp. 

"Oh it's lunch time, you hungry kid?" I asked, smiling gently down at him as he shouted a rather loud 'yesh!' 

I paused the game and quickly got up, stretching a bit to pop my back, and I began to check the pantry. 

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