Spit on Your Grave

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The agitated boy grumbled to himself as he dug the fire pit while the older men behind him set up all their tents- being surprisingly nice and setting his up for him, likely because he had been put on fire duty. 

He glanced behind him for a moment, at the sound of bottles jingling together as he threw the fire wood into the pit- and began placing rocks around it

"Ya wanna beer, kid?" a man in a tannish hoodie asked. 

Toby turned to him, raising an eyebrow at his gap toothed grin. "Brian, I'm underage"

This made the man laugh a little, popping the top and handing it to him. 

"Yea you're a murderer too, I don't think legalities mean anything to us anymore.  " 

With that, Brian pushed the bottle forward, it's body sweating with dew- showing just how cold the drink was. The teen thought for a moment, before carefully taking the drink from him. 

"I.. Thanks" he takes a swig, and cringes a little. " It's.. Awful" 

This made the man laugh as he sat down next to him, watching the young boy strike a lighter and bring the fire he was working on to life. 

"You'll get used to it i thought the same thing about my first beer" 

Toby hums, his eyes watching the flames as they began to build, before his eyes flicked back down to the bottle. 

It was the same brand his father drank. 

This thought made Toby want to puke. 

"Will.. Drinking this make me like my dad?" he asked innocently, looking up at Brian- who was a whole world of nicer than Tim. Brian thinks for a moment, glancing over the boy- he was too young to be mixed up in this mess, but at the same time- where else would he have ended up? Dead on the street? In a jail cell?

"You are, who you decide to become" Brian said slowly. "Your past doesn't define you, even if you can or cannot remember it. What matters is that you remember you're you. You can become whatever you want to be, Toby."

This made the boy stare at the man, registering his words before turning back to the fire, throwing a few dry leaves into it as he mulled over the mans words. 

"I think" Toby paused, looking down at himself- staring at the blood stains on his hands, he took another sip of the toxic tasting drink- cringing. And then? He thought of you.

He thought of what you would like, what you liked about him before. He thought of what he wanted to be for you. 

"I think I want to be kind. It might be hard but," He trails off, looking to Brian for guidance. 

"You can do it" the man beside him assured, ruffling his hair as he had. Toby couldn't hold back the laugh that came from him, a soft smile across his face. 

Maybe his new life, isn't the worse. 

"You two done having a daddy son moment or am I interrupting?"

On second thought- 

Toby's smile fades and he scowls as Tim as the man sits off to the side of them, almost across but not quiet. The collage student takes a drag from his cigarette, swigging off his beer as he had.  He could tell by the look in the mans eye- he had hell to raise. 

"So, get this Brian. Ticci Toby over here? Gotta crush"  Tim's words were taunting.

"Don't, call me that" Toby warned, which made Tim grin- it bothered him to know that they knew things about him that he didn't want them to know- things they could use against him to make him tic. 

Remember me, My Dear (Possessive! Stalker! Ticci Toby X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now