Walk Down Memory Lane

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~Your POV~

I sat across from the two boys, my hand rubbing my bandages under my sleeve as the things they told me swirled in my brain, filling in blanks of memory.

"So, Toby and I- were dating, and then his asshole of a father crashed the car, killed his sister- fucked the both of us up.. And now he's fucking dead in a fiery blaze?"

You stared at the two, who shifted uncomfortably in their seats, "I- I guess you can say it like that" Jeff muttered, playing with his hoodie string, the white shoe lace looking thing twisting over his fingers.

I let out a laugh of disbelief, shaking my head at the information, the boy my hearts been hurting for was long gone before I could get to know him again.

"Of course- that's my fucking luck" I stopped laughing, feeling tears well up instead as the irony wore off.

Ben reached a hand across the table, rubbing my shoulder in an attempt to comfort me. "Listen- it'll be okay we'll be here for you and-"

"Can I just have some alone time?" I asked quietly, and he pulled away hesitantly, before slowly nodding- pushing Jeff off to follow him, leaving me sitting alone on a bench that was half singed- black ash still wanted to crawl off of it and onto it's surroundings.

My gaze fell on the burned path that laid to my left, the black trees highlighted a path that beckoned me to follow, a buzzing in the back of my head told me to stay. I went against that buzzing voice, getting up to my feet and shoving my hands into my pockets, following the lines that were once lighter fluid and gasoline before they were lit.

I ran my fingers over the burned flowers. What did he look like? Was he scared? Happy? Did he hesitate before he struck that match?

My eyes turned to the middle. The dead center where the fire stopped, likely where it had began. Had the boy burned up inside of this? Ben said they didn't find his body.. So what if he's just hiding?

The thought was entertaining to me, but I knew that it was likely wishful thinking. I walked into the clearing, turning- and facing the neighborhood as I had. Had he done the same thing? Or did he turn his back on it, his back on us- and lite it up?

The sound of crunching leaves to my right caught my attention, making me spin around to face the sound.

" who's there?" I called.


And then-

More rustling came from the tree line to my left, making me turn around, catching a glimpse of a familiar brown hoodie as it disappeared behind a tree. If I hadn't of been looking, I likely would've missed it. Especially with how his sleeves camouflaged him in with his surroundings. A blue hood hiding his hair and face.

I felt a lump in my throat grow. " Hello?"

I don't know why I called out. But as I did- the boy stiffened, in the same way you would upon hearing from someone in public when you least expected it.

I frowned, still cautious- but I wanted to get closer. I took a step.

"S -stay back" a shaky, deep boyish voice called. Making me pause.

" Don't ... Don't come any closer" he said again.

This voice was familiar. Hearing it triggered a few thoughts to run wild in my brain.

Thoughts of familiarity.

Realizations- that I know him.

" Do I know you?" I asked, and he seemed to grow uneasy at my question.

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