"I miss you each day", "Never knew you could use a paint brush". She froze on her place hearing her husband's confident yet deep voice as his footsteps approached her in a threatening way until he stopped near her and she immediately tried to place brush on palette but paused on her place when Taehyung gripped her hand before slowly moving closer to her standing infront her. "Do you know how to paint?". She gulped looking at him underneath while he kept staring at her holding her wrist. "Do you?".

Her heart raced as she looked into his mysterious eyes, filled with an enigmatic knowledge that seemed impossible to comprehend. She couldn't shake the feeling that he held the key to the hidden secrets of her life, but she also knew the danger that came with challenging his cunning power. With a slow nod, she acquiesced, and he released her wrist, taking a step back. His smirk sent shivers down her spine as he commanded her dominantly, "Paint us". She looked at him a little shocked and he spoke while tugging his palms in his pockets, "I really want to see how you paint us". 

"I can't paint us". She let out slowly and he raised his brow and his little movement caused her muscles to tense up. "Why?". She gripped the brush tightly and stuttered. "I-I can't paint myself". She had a passion for painting, even though she didn't consider herself as skilled as her husband. Painting has been her hobby since childhood, and she always received praise for her artwork. However, she wasn't capable of painting herself. On the other hand, Taehyung was an expert and highly skilled painter. He had a way of captivating her with his art, meticulously painting each detail as if it were real. His talent and attention to detail always left her in awe.

"Then paint me and you'll not reject me because I've kept these paintings safe". As she met his eyes, she noticed a subtle indication in his gaze, directing her attention towards the family painting. In that moment, a sense of horror filled her eyes as she realized what he was implying. She quickly shifted her gaze back to him, finding him standing calmly in front of her, his hands casually resting in his pockets. However, there was a victorious smirk playing on his lips, revealing his satisfaction with the situation. Despite her initial hesitation, she finally nodded, accepting his demand. "I-I will paint you"

Taehyung nodded before taking out his palms and motioned her to come closer and she did as he said. He passed her stool and made her sit on it before placing Canvas infront her at her level and spoke. "Now start, let's see how you paint your husband". She looked at white canvas and looked at the person who placed the palette on the stole near her and she felt nervous because she wasn't even confident. Her art was nothing compared to him and she was embarrassed to reveal her skills to an expert like him. Taehyung moved his eyes at her who held the palette and his eyes filled with crazy excitement realizing she was going to paint him. 

After a few moments, As Taehyung stood there, time seemed to stand still, enveloped in the aura of her artistic fervor. With each careful stroke of the brush, she breathed life into the canvas, bringing forth a stunning portrayal of his features. The way she tenderly captured his essence was simply breathtaking. A wide grin formed on his face, unable to contain the excitement bubbling within him. He couldn't help but be in awe of her talent and dedication, as she remained completely absorbed in her craft, undistracted by his presence.

It had been a while since she had last held a brush, but now, her passion had reignited, blazing brightly. She poured her heart and soul into every stroke. And as Taehyung stood there, watching her work with anticipation, he couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement, eager to witness the moment when she would finally unveil the finished masterpiece. The anticipation was almost tangible, and he couldn't wait to see the culmination of her artistic prowess. It was a truly thrilling experience to witness her artistic journey unfold before his eyes.

"Let me know if you need rest". Even though she was painting half body and it was dependent upon her how much time she consumed to paint him because of the paintings he has done, it takes days because he filled details fictionally and made sure to radiate the depth of paintings through his art. She hummed in response and focused on painting because deep down, she wanted to finish that painting as soon as possible. She knew if she leaves in the middle he will again ask her to complete it and she didn't want it. Suddenly, Taehyung's call interrupted him causing him to tear his eyes away from painting before he took out his mobile and walked outside.

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