We listened to the weekend on our way to the park. Basically we were going to clean the river and spread awareness about the causes of having a contaminated river.

Cleaning a river is not that much fun and with Tyler being quiet it's getting boring. "So what's the exact reason Mill did not come here. I am sure there might be a good reason because there is no way you came without her." I tried to start a conversation with Tyler

"She is not feeling good." Tyler replied in a dull voice. He was not all jolly today but when I asked about Millie his expressions changed. I might be wrong or overthinking a lot here.

"Both brother and sister feeling sick. I think flu is in the air instead of love." I chuckled. Tyler gave a small smile back.
"And talking of love. I heard about Reggie and Mill."

"What did you hear about them?" Tyler asked as if he has been given a shocking news.

" How Reggie punched you and Mill slapped him back and then Arch punched Reggie until Mr.Sheikh seperated them. I kind of feel bad for poor Reggie." I replied to Tyler.

"Don't you dare feel bad for that dickhead. He is full of shit and he got exactly what he deserved and please try not to take his name in front of me ever again." Tyler's face was gushed with anger. I know Reggie was wrong to hit Tyler but why was he this angry on him. Tyler rushed away from me and joined the guys from the football team while I decided to hang out with the cheerleading girls.

It's around seven and it's dark. We are now doing the bonfire it's the last thing we are doing before going back to school.
Tyler is standing alone and talking with someone on the phone. I decided to give him some company.

"Mill please take care of yourself and have some rest. Don't eat any junk food and only eat what Sam have ordered the cooks to cook and also call mom and let her know you are okay. Okay? Byee." Tyler hanged up the phone.

"What happened to Millie is she actually sick?" I asked Tyler.

"Hmm." Tyler let out and was about to leave.

"Tyler stop." I demanded.

"Will you please tell me what's going on. I am kind of getting worried now.
I haven't heard the name Sam from your mouth in ages. Tell me what's going on now." I confronted Tyler.

He looked in my eyes with his eyes filled with tears. He was crying. Tyler is crying. I gave him a tight hug and rubbed his back.

"Hey! It's okay. Whatever it is, we will go through it together.I promise." By this point Tyler was sobbing really hard.
"You don't know what actually happened yesterday." Tyler told me by pulling himself away from my arms. He filled me in on every detail that happened yesterday.

The fight at his house between him and Millie.

Millie going to the club with Reggie and Amanda.

What Reggie and Amanda tried to do.

How Archie saved Millie.
Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!

All of this happened and I had no idea. Millie is all alone right now and I am here enjoying. Fuck! What kind of friend am I?

"Why didn't you guys call me yesterday? I would have stayed with Millie. How could you leave her alone, Ty?" I asked Ty.

"I didn't want to leave her alone. I didn't want to come to this stupid picnic but I had to give Millie the space she needed." Ty replied rubbing off his tears. I understand if Millie wants to stay alone. But she doesn't have to. She can share her pain with us.

"Fine. But the first thing you are doing after reaching school is taking me to Millie okay?" I ordered Ty.

He nodded his head as in yes. By that time some of the boys Started yelling Tyler's same. Good thing no one saw him crying or else it would have become the school's gossip. Tyler asked me to join him.

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