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Alan McClennan

Smalls is a jerk, he has a perfect, kind, and beautiful girl. He had her and he had to go find another girl!

I watch as Julia sprints away, I feel so bad for her, and I'm so mad at Smalls for taking advantage of her like that.

I noticed that every now and then she would look at her watch, she had her hair curled and she was wearing a dress and makeup.

She never does those types of things. And seeing her being all happy, laughing about Squints, her smiling hard about how much she liked Smalls. He broke her heart.

"You're a real jerk! You're really stupid, nice work!" I yell at him before running into the store to buy a bar of chocolate for Julia. "Marcia, I'll pay you back later!" I tell her, "It's fine,I saw what happened, I'll pay for it." she tells me, "Thank you!" I yell running away.


I arrive at Julia's house, I pound on the door. "Julia! Julia, open the door!" She doesn't answer the door. I decided to climb up to her bedroom window to see if she was in her house.

I see her crying , throwing her purse off, wiping off her makeup and tying her hair into a ponytail. Her room is still the same theme as it was when she and I were close, her room is childish which really shows off her innocence.

I knock on her window, she looks at me and opens it letting me come in. "Are you okay?" I ask, she cries into my shoulder "Does it look like I'm okay?!" she said, crying.

She then wraps her arms around me still crying. I backed down onto her bed and hugged her back. "Why did he do this to me!? I woke up early, I got all dolled up, I waited 4 hours!" she continues to cry.

"Shh it's gonna be okay" I said, rubbing her back.

We stayed like this for a while, her crying into my shoulder and me holding her tight.
"Julia?" I hear her brother say, he's panting I'm guessing he just came back from baseball practice.

He hates me but whatever "She's in here!" I yell. He stomps up the stairs, "Jules? What the hell did you do Yeah Yeah?" he says angrily.

I sigh, "Smalls ditched her for another girl" I tell him, making her cry more and she hugs me tighter.

"That mother fucker" Phillips says pissed, he just watches Julia and I hugging. "Should I like call someone?" Phillips asks, "I don't know, Wendy?" I suggest.

"Yeah probably" he walks up to the rotary phone in her room and phones Wendy.

"Who is she?!" she asks me, looking at me with red puffy eyes. "I don't know, I've never seen her before" I told her.

"Julia, do you need anything?" Phillips asks, "No!" she snaps. There's a knock on the door, it's probably Wendy.

Phillips walks downstairs and Wendy runs into the room, Julia takes her hands off me and hugs Wendy.

I walk downstairs to Phillips, "Should I leave?" I asked him, "Nah man, you should stay, she might wanna talk a bit." Phillips says.

Even though I know Phillips hates me I still try to talk to him, "You care about Julia a lot huh?" I say.

"Yeah, she's my sister. Hey you think Smalls it at your guys uhm whatever the hell you guys call it?" He asks me, making me chuckle, "I don't know, but you know what he looks like right?" I ask.

"Yeah" he says "Okay well check Vincent's and the Sandlot" I tell him. "Okay thanks man"

At this point I didn't care what Phillips was gonna do to Smalls, I would've done the exact same thing for my sister.

"Alan! I have to get to work! Can you take care of Julia?" Wendy says by the door.

"Yeah yeah I will" I told her, she smiled and left the house. I walk back upstairs to see Julia laying down on her bed crying and hugging a stuffed animal.

"Julia" I said, "What?" she replied still crying, "Don't waste your tears on this," I told her, "I waited all day for him and he ditches me with that Jennifer girl" she says.

"Do you want chocolate to make you feel better?" I ask, "Sure" she replies wiping her tears, I hand her the chocolate bar I had bought from Vincent's.

I look around the girls room, Polaroids stuck onto the wall, I look at the photos. There's one of me and her hugging at the pool. I smile when we're really young at the time.

"You still have this?" I asked pointing at the photo, "Yeah," she says stuffing her mouth with chocolate making me chuckle.

"Why don't you freshen up? Take a shower or something" I tell her. "Why?" she asks, "To take your mind off of things, and you know to relax yourself" I told her.

She smiles, "Okay, there's snacks downstairs, eat whatever you want" she says before walking to her bathroom.


After waiting for a bit, eating some chips, she gets a call on her rotary phone.

I go to pick it up, "Hello?" I say, "Yeah Yeah?" the voice says "Wait, Squints?" I laugh, "Yeah, I was trying ro call Julia because her brother came to the Sandlot really mad about what Smalls did" he tells me.

"Oh really?" I ask, as if I didn't know he was going to do that, "Yeah, why are you at her house?" Squints asked, "I came to look after her," I told him.

"Oh okay, that Jennifer girl is nice, maybe her and Julia can become friends" Squints suggests, "Yeah Yeah No way! She's the reason why Julia feels horrible" I said, "Well maybe they cou-" I cut him off after hearing the water stop running, "Hey I have to go, I gotta help Julia" I told him before he hung up.

"Yeah Yeah, can you bring me some pajamas, I guess I forgot to bring some" she yells from the washroom, "Yeah Yeah sure! Are they in the same place as last time?" I yell back, "Yep!" she yells.

I go up to her drawers to find her pajamas, I take out her pajamas, surprised I even remember where they were because I haven't been in her house in over 2 years.

I walk to the bathroom with her Pajamas, I knock on the door, "I have them" I say softly, she opens her door a tiny bit, just enough for me to hand her the pajamas.

I went back to her room and sat down on her bed, she came out with her pajamas on and slightly damp hair.

"Hey, thanks for being here for me" she says,
"Yeah yeah no problem" I smiled, which she returned.

She layed on the bed next to me and indicated for me to lay down with her which I did so.

"Sorry about the stuff that's happened" I told her, "It's not your fault" she says. She lays on her side to face me, "You think if we never broke up none of this would've happened?" she asks.

"I don't know, but like you said that was years ago," I told her. A bit later she fell asleep in my arms.

I didn't want to seem like a bad friend to Smalls, taking away his girlfriend, but he broke her heart and I'm just here to make her feel better.

She and I are just friends, and it's better if she and Smalls stay together.


I'm kinda out of Ideas lol. Please send me some ideas!

Also follow the instagram account @themayamay.wattpad

Will Yeah Yeah and Julia get back together???

-Maya 01/11/2024

The Sandlot Romantics: Stirring Up Love with Scotty Smallsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن