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~Scotty Smalls~

I hear a knock on the door as I'm reading a Batman comic. I set it down and walk to the door, bang bang bang the person on the other side of the door pounds, "Okay okay geez! Wait a second!" I yell before opening the door.

"Man you gotta hide me!" Squints yell before running inside, "What's happening?" I exclaim, "Ham is pissed! I stole his granola bar!" he says hiding himself behind the couch.

For some reason I had wished it was Julia behind that door, we were perfectly fine a few days ago, we were on call and all and now it's like she's avoiding me, not just me but my whole friend group.

"Squints I think they're gone" I tell him, "You sure?" he questions, I look out the window "Yeah I'm sure" I reassure him. "Okay thanks Smalls, you coming to the sandlot?" he asks me "Yeah let me just get my glove" I say before running into my room.

As I'm in my room looking for my glove I look out my window to see the house right across from mine. A tall 3 story gray house, the first window I see is Julia's room, I see her fixing her window blinds. She spots me looking at her and she turns her back. "What is up with her?" I sigh to myself before rushing back downstairs for Squints.

"Okay I'm ready, let's go!" I tell Squints, he nods before running out the door.

We arrive at the sandlot as the guys greet me, and I give a subtle "Hey" before we begin to play.

About 2 hours of playing we are sitting in the dugout catching our breath, "Hey Smalls you good?" Kenny asks me, I look back at him "Yeah why?" i question, "I don't know you just seem off" Benny replies as the guys agree, "Come on Smalls tell us what's on your mind!" Ham exclaims, "Is it a girl?" Timmy asks teasingly "Is it a girl?" Tommy repeats, the guys start laughing.

"So who's the lucky girl?" Benny asks, I sigh "There is no girl", "Yeah yeah there is!" Yeah yeah says giggling, all the guys look at me "Okay then what's on your mind?" Benny asks me, "It's Julia..." I sigh.

The boys all go silent and their smile fades, they quickly turn to Yeah Yeah which confused me very much, "What about her?" Yeah yeah rolls his eyes. "Well she's just been avoiding us again," I say.

"You don't like her, do you?" Bertram asks me, "No I don't." I say "Then why do you care so much about her?!" Yeah yeah asks annoyed "I don't! Why do you care if I care or not!?" I yell.

"I don't care!" Yeah yeah yells back before getting up and storming out. I look at the boys confused, "Why is he so mad?" I ask, they all just look at each other silently, "We never told you?" Squints asks, "Tell me what?" I ask.

"Julia and Yeah yeah used to date" Timmy tells me, "Used to date" Tommy repeats, "Be honest, do you like her or not?" Ham asks, "I don't think so.." I say questioning myself a bit, do I like her?

"Well tell us why is she bothering you?" Benny asks "Other than her avoiding us" Kenny states. I pause for a little bit "Well, we were on call a few days ago, we talked for hours and now she won't talk to me" I tell them.

"Well, I don't know what to say, when she avoids us it is probably Phillips controlling her again" Bertram says, the other boys nod, then we hear a group of boys biking through "Speak of the devil!" Ham yells.


Hi guys! I know I haven't been getting that many votes and views but I really enjoy writing this for myself and maybe others if you chose to read it. Give me some Ideas of what I should do next!

-Maya 01/02/2024

The Sandlot Romantics: Stirring Up Love with Scotty SmallsWhere stories live. Discover now