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~Scotty Smalls~

My friendship with Julia is always on and off, and it makes me so mad that it is really annoying. Today, we saw each other at work. I recently got a job with Julia at the Vincent's Drug Store; I am a stocker. I wonder how she will act today.

I enter the store through the front door and walk over to a co-worker asking me to unload boxes off a truck. I do as she says, as I look for Julia and notice her talking to another coworker. I have no choice but to watch from afar, as I wonder how our conversation will proceed.

I glance at Julia; she has not noticed me here. The guy she is talking to looks like he is an adult. He must be a manager or manager. My eyes drifted back to her and admired her beauty. She really is a great deal of prettier up close. I am filled with butterflies in my stomach, as I see her laugh and twirl her hair around her finger.

The sound of her laugh is so adorable that it just melts your heart. I continue to watch her, and she laughs at something the manager said. She looks innocent and cute in that way, smiling, and giggling. I notice she has beautiful blue eyes; they are so deep and vibrant.

They really match her skin and hair. Her smile, her eyes... They are just perfect. I feel a bit warm inside, but quickly tell myself that that is wrong, she is just a friend, no, she is the enemy, and I must forget about her. But it's so much easier said than done, as I cannot keep my eyes off her.

I am standing there, watching her, and I feel warmness and happiness inside me seeing her smile. I feel like a big fool just standing here staring, so I try to distract myself. I quickly got to work unboxing the boxes that I was assigned to deal with.

As I am concentrating on work, thought pops into my mind. Will she really talk to me today? It is hard to say as she is so unpredictable, but I hope she does. I feel like it's been too long since we actually had a conversation, and I am tired of all this waiting.

I was distracted by the woman who interviewed us. "Hi you two! Julia and Scotty right?" The lady asks Julia and I nod, "So great to see you guys! You guys can get off at 3:00 PM, Scotty the boxes are back over there, and Julia all you do is scan,print, and give back change." The lady points out that we must work. 

"And you guys can have 5 snacks after every shift that's under 5 dollars each because we don't want any expired things" the older lady smiles, Julia and I smile back before walking away.

I smile as I hear the lady say we get to have five snacks for free after the shift. That is a fairly good deal! I look over and see Julia walking away and feeling a weird mix of emotions. On the one hand, I am happy we are working together today, but what if she does not talk to me again?

What if she says something rude? I do not like the thought of her being rude, so I just push it out of my head. These hours pass slowly, but they eventually go by. We both completed our jobs without incidents. After all the boxes were sorted and scanned, I made my way over to the snack table. I want to look at the snacks available.

I stand in front of all the available snacks; it is a bit overwhelming. There is a lot to choose from. All types of candy bars, chip bags, cookies, and snacks. I glance at Julia, she's standing there, looking at all choices as well. She seems to have had a bit of a hard time deciding what she wanted. She probably thinks of the same thing as me: too many choices. I look at her and finally decide to speak.

"You wanna get these five while I get these 5, we can share and try them all, you don't have to..." I say "Yeah, which sounds like a good idea. What about this... we get each other's five favorite snacks, then we share the snacks we have, and, at the end of the day, we can both have our favorite snacks. How's that sound?" she says, I smile as I finally get to talk to her

The Sandlot Romantics: Stirring Up Love with Scotty SmallsWhere stories live. Discover now