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~Julia Phillips.~

It's been a few days since Wendy and I went to the mall. Compared to her I got basically nothing. It's been weird knowing that I'm interacting with the Sandlot Boys when I know I'm not supposed to.

I'm only 13 and either way Jordan shouldn't be trying to control my life. I'm glad Jordan doesn't know about what happened between me and this one guy when I was in the 6th grade. Jordan has been really protective of me, especially because I'm his little sister but still, he shouldn't be so controlling.

Wendy is 16 years old, she's 3 years older than me and 2 years older than Jordan. We're like family and she's like the sister I have always wished for. I really wish I had the relationship Yeah Yeah has with his sister, Alana.


The landline rotary phone rings. I answered, "Hiiii, is Jordan there!?" some random girl says, i roll my eyes and bang on my wall to alert Jordan, because his room is right next to mine.

"Uhm yeah he is, ill transfer him to you." I reply before transferring the line. I'm not sure how this stuff works but I guess we just know how to use it. Without you knowing how it functions, I hear Jordan talking loudly to the person on the phone.

Until a miracle, I hear other people outside my window. It's the sandlot boys, I peek out my window and see Scot and Benny, they seem to be laughing and goofing around. They notice me and all of the sudden Scot is acting all shy again.

I open my window, "Hi guys!" I agreed, "Hi Jules wanna come out?" Benny asks as Scot says a subtle "Hey..."

"Uhm I guess I can hang out for a bit, one second though," I tell them before calling Wendy to cover for me. "Hey wends" I greet, "Hello?" she asks, "It's Jules.." I say blankly, "Oh hey whats up!" she greets "Uhm can you uh, cover for me, I wanna hang out with Benny and Scot for a bit but I'm gonna tell Jordan that I'll be hanging out with you" I inform "Okay you owe me a coverup now, have fun with Alan!" she teases, i roll my eyes before I'm about to say something she hangs up.

So basically in the 6th grade Yeah Yeah and I used to date. Not date per say, we were just friends who liked each other, once we broke up we stayed friends. We only dated for a few months but he's the whole reason why I became friends with the sandlot boys. Only Wendy knew about me and yeah yeah but she just keeps on teasing me about it.

I yell "I'm gonna hang out with Wendy!" to inform Jordan before running out the door.

"Sorry I took so long. '' I give an apologetic look to the two boys. "Hey it's all good" Benny says, I look over at Scot realizing how quiet he's been acting "Uh hey you good scot?" I ask him, "Huh? Yeah why?" he asks, "I don't know you just seem off" i say "oh yeah sorry, you kinda disappeared so i'm just getting used to having you around again..." he replies sounding a bit annoyed, "oh okay" I reply subtly.

Is he mad at me for that?

We end up at the sandlot and the boys greet me, "Hey, no Wendy today!?" Squints says a bit frustrated i laugh at this "Not today Squints"

"You wanna play today? Bertram is sick" Ham asks, "Sure" I say before grabbing the extra glove from the dugout. We played for hours and finally it was starting to get dark but for then at the end of the day Scot gets a homerun, nice.

Scot is really nice, he moved in last year, I swear he was way more bubbly than he is now but he's a good friend. I gotta say, he got real good friends. We are now walking home, Benny and Scot live pretty close to me. I don't wanna sound like a spoiled brat but my family has the biggest house in our neighborhood, so everyone knows about who lives there and where my house is.

Scot and I are the last ones left walking home, we all kinda drop each other off at each other's houses when we all walk home. There's a comfortable silence until I broke it, "Nice Homer you did back there, it was great to end the night" I said, giving him a soft smile "Thanks, hey can I ask you something?" he tells me " Yeah ask away" I smile.

"Why did you like, I don't know, abandon us?" he asks, "Well you know how last year you guy had a game against my brother and how they lost-'' I get cut off by Jordan yelling out of his window "JULIA GET INSIDE IT'S ALMOST 10:00 PM!" I look at Scot with a scared look, "Uh, call me?" I suggest and he nods before walking across the street of his house.

I walked into my house a bit nervous about Jordan, and my overthinking was right. As I closed the door to my room Jordan whips my door open, "You were with Wendy huh?"

He interrogates, "One, I saw Wendy on a date with some guy when the tigers and I went out for ice cream a few hours ago, she said she was hanging out with you but you must have come home. Guess what! I come home to nobody here! And now I see you hanging with the stupid Scotty Smalls from the sandlot! My enemy!" he yells at me.

"Don't hang out with them again! You hear me Julia!? It's for your own good!" he scolds "Okay, sorry" I say as he pulls me into a side hug "Night Jules" he says softly as if he wasn't just yelling at me a few seconds ago, "Night" I reply.

I get ready for bed until the rotary phone in my room goes off, I answer it quickly to not walk anybody up, "Hello?" I say quietly, "Hi" a soft male voice answers. It's Scotty Smalls. We ended up talking for hours, until it all came to an end. After we talked I felt something really weird. Did I do something wrong? Why am I feeling like this?


There's probably so many spelling and grammar errors in this but dont mind it! Thanks so much for reading and please vote. I wrote this at like 3 in the morning because I couldn't sleep but yeah. Have a great new year!

-Maya 1/1/24

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