New staff

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Alastor: This little darling is, Nifty!

He drops her onto the floor as she said energetically.

Nifty: Hi! I'm nifty! It's nice to meet you, it's nice to see all of you! It's been awhile since I made new friends! (Eyes the 4) why're you all women?

She then suddenly ran to, y/n now realizing 'there was a man' in her mind at least as she gets face-to-face, taking the 17-18 year old sheep demon by surprise as she said excitedly.

Nifty: oh there is! Hi there, I'm nifty! Oh wait I already told you my name-but whatever-It's nice to meet you, and you look honestly cute!

She smiled wide and creepily-sweet while, y/n still has a surprise look before transitioning to the look of annoyance as he said slowly and monotone.

Y/n: Get. Off. Me. Face...please?

Nifty: oh! (Gets out of his face) I'm sorry, that's rude. (Notices how dirty inside the hotel is) oooh, man! This place is filthy! It really needs a lady touch! (Grabs a spider and crushes it) which is weird because you're all ladies, except for him of course (mentions to y/n), no offense. (Stares off course as she takes out a feather duster) oh, my gosh! This is awful! (She speeds clean throughout the hotel) Nope! Nope! Nope! Nope! (Stabs a cockroach with a sewing needle) nope!

The 5 stare at nifty before a green glow is seen behind them as they look what the glow was. Before they now see an unknown cat demon with his voice sounding gruff.

The cat demon's fur was dark grey, white fur on his chest and belly including the underneath of his arms. He has long big red eyebrows above of his black sclera with yellow irises and splitter pupils. He has wings with the top having; hearts, diamonds, and spears on it. All red.

He wore black pants with black suspenders over his shoulders and a red bow-tie. He also wears a top hat that has a red hatband and a gold button-like decoration.

He slammed his cards down on the table as he said.

Husk: HAH! Read 'em and weep, boys! Full Ho-(demonic illusions and voices disort the surroundings temporarily)-tel? What the fuck is this?

He looks around and spots alastor, eliciting a rather angry purr from the avian cat demon as he pointed at him.

Husk: YOUUU!

Alastor: ah, husker, my good friend! Glad you could make it! (Puts a hand on him)

Husk: (pulls his hand off him) don't you "husker" me, you son of a bitch! I was about to win the whole damn pot! (The jackpot disappears into nothingness)

Alastor: good to see you too!

Husk: (facepalms irritatingly) what the hell do you want with me this time...?

Alastor: my friend, I am doing some charity work so I took it upon myself to volunteer your services! I hope that's okay!

Husk: are you shittin' me?!

Alastor: I don't think so!

A backstage crowd laugh is heard in the background as y/n, looked around to find where it came from as, husk shoves alastor away as he glared at him and exclaimed.

Husk: you thought it'd be some big fucking riot just to pull me out of nowhere?! YOU THINK IM SOME KIND OF FUCKING CLOWN?!?

Alastor: (grins)......MAYBE.

Husk: I ain't doing no fucking charity job.

Alastor: (teleports behind him through his shadow) Well, I figured you would be the perfect face to man the front desk to this fine establishment! With your charming smile! (He forced husk's lips into a smile before it fell into a frown again) and welcoming energy, this job was made for you! Don't worry my friend, I can make this more welcoming!...if you wish.

The high-functioning patron (Autistic! Male reader x hazbin hotel)Where stories live. Discover now