Welcome to hell

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The sinner opened his eyes and stood up, look around himself. And there, he saw the sky red and a pentagram on the said red sky with a light red aurora on it as if it's pretending to be the sun. Like the actual sun he saw back on earth.

Then it hit him. Where was he? Certainly not earth, the earth he saw was sky blue 'ironically' and the beaming but bright sun. Now, replaced with red sky and a pentagram with a glowing aurora on it.

Y/n: what T'eck?

He then started to look around more to see buildings with a crimson like color on them, neon signs, everything. He then look down to see that he is on a road, to confirm this; a car sped by with the driver shouting after honking his horn.

Driver: ASSHOLE!!!


He immediately got off the road as more cars drove by as he is now on the sidewalk before he lift his head and saw a dead demon corpse on the sidewalk, while rotting.

He kicked away in fear before immediately getting back up and walking backwards until he bumped into someone before the person turned around as it turned out to be a buff demon as he gave a death glare at, y/n; who waved his hands at him as he is trying to stop him from doing something crazy.

Y/n: wait wait wait! I'm sorry! I'm sorr-

He was grabbed by the front of the shirt as he was brought face-to-face with the demon as he screamed.


He threw, y/n who screamed in panic as he went quite a bit far before landing on a rat demon as a train horn was heard in the background. Birds were flying over their heads as, y/n's flat hat was slouched over until, the rat demon got off him and gave him a hateful glare as he yelled.

Rat demon: Hey! Watch it, bleater!

The rat demon, walked away from him as, y/n is confused once he got back on his feet AGAIN and fixed his hat.

Y/n: bleater? What t'eck is 'e talkin' abou-

He froze once he looked at a window of a random building before taking a closer look as his confusion turned into shock, in his mind of course.

He touched the fleece or wool on him as he still look at the reflection of the said window. Mouth agape.

He continued looking at himself before a bombing was heard, he turned around and search for the sound. That's when a...


Debris flew all over as a bomb hit a random building across the street as, y/n covered his eyes and mouth as dust particles flew around the area before he coughed a little and waving the dust away to see an airship looming above him. The airship was all in black with the lining yellow and a pinkish-red glass on the front of the large part on the airship.

Y/n: 'Eckey thump...

That's when he sees a pink cartoon bomb with the fuse lit and a black skull on it until he quickly ran away before it exploded.

He ran a good 47 meters before stopping and taking a deep breath and a couple more before looking back to see a war raging out.

Y/n: jesus lord glad that wasn't me...

He then started to walk away before making it into a town like square with all demons around in his eyes, minding their business and the other casual stuff, murder, scam, rape, and other things.

Y/n: what is this place?

He looks around until he sees something that made his heart stop...a sign...

A sign that said, "Welcome to hell!" Y/n, felt his legs getting weak and before long, he slumped against a building before tears began to form into his eyes before he puts the hands on his face and started to sob.

Some demons laughed at him because of his crying whilst also having the joy of seeing pain and suffering of others, but y/n, didn't know that. All he cared about was why was he sent down here to hell? Sure he made some mistakes here and there but never did anything so heinous to get sent down here in hell. Unless..., he keeps going onto that thought a few more times before looking up and stared up and sobbed harder while saying...

Y/n: what have I done...(sobs more)

End of chapter

Words: 782

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