49. A New Slave to Torture

Start from the beginning

"You know how men in society like to sit with their legs spread like this, as if asserting their dominance?" Nick gestured between the mans legs. "I never saw it like that. It has always seemed submissive to me, as if he spread those legs just for me, offering himself shamelessly."

The man glared at Nick, his knees struggled in their bindings as if all he wanted was to bring them together. Nick just stared with admiration, his knife gliding playfully over the rope holding the man in place. Mumbled protests could be heard behind the man's tape.

The man wore a dark green t-shirt and some jeans. He had light brown hair like Nicks but had light colored eyes, maybe hazel. He was somewhat atypical of Nicks victims. This one was large and seemed even older than Nick. He was taller than Nick and also muscular, much to my surprise. I wondered why he didn't look like me in that aspect. I tried not to think of Nicks past victims. Most had dark brown hair and light eyes like me and weighed nearly nothing, easy things to kill. All of them dead. But this young man, he seemed different.

After cutting the rope, Nick dragged the struggling man away from the chair and smacked him when he didn't stop fighting. He growled threats to the man that I couldn't hear but whatever he said worked to slow the other mans protests.

"Justin, meet Harris." Nick said and then paused. "Well, his first name is Andrew, as stupid as that sounds. But everyone just calls him Harris. I'm going to document how disobedient a new slave is compared to you." He explained to me as he came closer.

I wanted to ask more of what he meant but wasn't sure if I was allowed to talk yet. This punishment was torturous enough, and I couldn't physically handle the abuse if Nick were to get angry. Did he mean to keep Harris alive as he had done with me? Was he not going to kill him like everybody else that was brought down? My chest felt weird at the idea of Nick keeping someone else alive. That couldn't be the case. It just couldn't. Nick only kept me alive. I was special..

Nick strung Harris up the exact same way as me, stripping him down to his briefs which were dark green like his shirt was. I didn't dare look at Harris who hung a few feet away from me, but I allowed myself to check him out in the corner of my eye while I stared straight ahead. A white bandages was taped to his abdomen where Nick had removed a pen the previous night. It did seem weird that Nick made the effort to dress the wound if he was just going to kill Harris later. There was a deep red stain that had developed in their struggles, a target that I knew Nick would use to torture the man if he needed. Harris thrashed and tried yelling as he hung, only causing more blood to darken the bandage. I also wondered why Nick had put tape on this victims mouth. I had yet to hear him speak, or bed for mercy. Nick didn't usually gag them because he loved to hear their despair.

"I think you'll like him, Justin." Nick was looking at Harris while he spoke to me. "He's nice." Harris was making angry huffs as Nicks hand felt around his body, his other hand holding his camera to record his exploration. "He's quite manly too." I could see in the corner of my eye that Nick was tapping his finger right below Harris's armpit which was pretty hairy.

"Mmmph!" Harris jerked away as Nicks finger trailed down the mans bare chest, where he quickly peeked into his boxers.

"Here too." Nick laughed. "Bigger than yours, Justin!"

Nicks face was lit up like a child on Christmas, thrilled to have a new toy. An uneasiness settled within me. Was it jealousy? An annoyed huff escaped me and I was thankful Nick hadn't heard it. Finally Nick stepped back, the whip hanging loosely over his shoulder. Harris continued to squirm, attempting escape somehow. Nick watched with a bored expression.

"Mmm m mo!" The man continued his protests.

"Stand up straight!" Nick yelled suddenly and I automatically straightened myself even though his demand was to Harris. Harris ignored him as he spun slowly, trying to slide out of the restraints. Nick cracked the whip threateningly and Harris calmed down a little, extending his leg just enough to stop the spinning. "Stand straight." Nick said in a colder voice. Harris's posture wasn't very straight, one of his legs bent in attempt to hide his briefs as much as possible from the camera. His fearful eyes kept darting around the room in search of anything to save him. "The new slave is disobedient. He shows obvious signs of fear, evident by his constant attempt of escape, heavy breathing, elevated heart rate. Much different to Justins arrival. Posture is weak and untrained. We will work more on posture later." Nick spoke out loud to the camera which I assumed was recording now.

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