20 - Napoli's Most Feared.

Start from the beginning

"She's doing well ma'am, thank you for asking," he said, a broad grin breaking out on his face.

"Take good care of her, she's a gem," I returned his grin and left him to turn my attention towards the entrance of the house.

Stepping through the doors, my eyes quickly scanned the spacious living room. They darted from the grand piano to the family portraits hanging above the fireplace before landing on the notorious Camorrista, Salvatore Lombardi, also known as Big Solly, and his son, Severino.

The two of them were as notorious as they came, with reputations of fear and respect trailing in their wake. Papa and Ronan had often spoken about them and even showed me pictures of their hunting adventures together.

"Frankie, dear," papa left his plush seat and warmly engulfed me in a comforting embrace. Despite the warmth from the fatherly hug, my gaze stayed glued onto the intimidating figure of Salvatore Lombardi.

Following a round of formal introductions, I stepped forward and extended a hand to Big Solly, who stood to reciprocate the gesture. Contrary to the tough reputation that preceded him, his grip was incredibly soft, and his smile radiated a warmth that was entirely unanticipated.

"It's a pleasure to finally meet you, Ms. Monroe," he said in a voice so thickly coated in an Italian accent that it added a certain charm to his persona.

"The pleasure is all mine," I reciprocated and shifted my attention to greet Severino. His presence was more restrained compared to his father's but the strength in his handshake spoke volumes of his inherited vigor.

To be completely honest, I wasn't expecting the Lombardis at papa's. My initial sense of shock gave way to uneasiness, particularly when I felt Big Solly's gaze scrutinizing me as I settled down beside my father on the sofa. It felt like he was sizing me up, probing into my soul with his eyes that held an intensity strong enough to cut through steel.

"Everything alright?" papa questioned.

Snapping back to reality as if jolted, Big Solly attempted to explain himself. "I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable, it's just that you bear a striking resemblance to someone I know," he apologized.

"I don't get that a lot, but don't worry about it. It's perfectly alright," I chuckled, easing any tension that may have lingered in the air.

There was an air of confusion as to why I was summoned here, yet it was perfectly clear that my presence carried great weight for my father. With his honour at stake, I needed to give the performance of a lifetime.

"So, Francesca," Big Solly began, the tremble in his throat subtly suggesting tension, "What exactly is it that you do for Conor?"

I locked my gaze with his for a brief second before answering. "I handle all of his legal matters, from contracts to disputes to negotiations," I replied confidently. "I'm here to ensure that his interests are protected at all times, like any good lawyer would."

Salvatore studied me, as if measuring the sincerity of my words. "Is that all?" he questioned.

Reading his implied suspicion, I realized the truth was the only way forward.

"You don't have to answer that," papa interjected.

"It's okay," I reassured him before turning my attention back to Big Solly. "I do whatever it takes to protect Conor and his business interests. Whether it's gathering intel, negotiating deals, or dealing with any threats that may come our way. I make problems go away, Big Solly. Permanently." My eyes gleamed with a dangerous light.

Papà shifted in his seat, a clear sign of discomfort.

Big Solly's eyes narrowed as he processed my response. "I see," he said slowly.

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