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1. I'd like to start off by saying thank you to everyone who made it towards the end. This story may not be long for some others, but I would like to say that I actually wrote this entire story in November for my creative writing class (hence as to why there are no sexual scenes). I was thinking of writing in some, but I realized that I didn't want Colette and Pierce's story to have anything like that. I wanted their relationship to represent a non-sexual love. It felt more sincere especially towards writing Pierce's death. 

Overall, this story is one of the few to showcase a pure loss of love. To showcase that not all relationships have a good, happy, and sweet ending. 

2. I purposely talk about God and make many references to religious aspects because that is what I based this whole story about such as Eden (aka "Garden of Eden). Love is scary because you never know what happens when you know you have to let go. Pierce's death represented a symbolic form of heart break. His friends, his grandma, and his girlfriend loved him. You never know what life does. When I make references to religious aspects, think of it as life. You never know when someone's going to be gone one day and it can happen so much quicker than you think. As for Colette, she definitely knew that she took him for granted and I wanted to expose that as much as I can.

Her regrets of not talking to him led to a terrible and heartbreaking discovery and the worst part is, people have gone through this. Whether it be a friend, family, or anyone else. Death is inevitable. 

3. I have never written in third person and when I did, I struggled so much because it's really difficult to keep up with so many characters and trying to share their thoughts and actions as much as I can without interrupting the main two characters. 

4. Most names have a very special meaning. Like I said, I reference a lot of stuff in this story and unexpectedly, I am continuing these for future purposes (future stories). 

Colette: "people of victory" - in other words, her name represents the fulfillment of strength in which she tries to look for her in herself as she struggles with an abusive father as she tries to keep it in. However, she feels happy enough to make good friends and fall in love with someone.

Pierce: "to hurt" - like I said he symbolizes death in which it hurts everyone as they grieve his loss. 

Aero (air/wind)    

Tillus/Tilly (earth)   

Murphy (water/sea)   

Hagan (heat/burn)    

^^ Overall their names are supposed to surround natural occurrences. As they are Pierce's friends, they represent the naturality of his death. In other words, they make him up since this connects to life.

Spark (bright light/flame/fire): This was on purpose because I wanted her to be connected with Pierce since they are "somewhat" together (I am currently writing their story). She is what "sparks" Hagan as fire to fire or flame to flame. Both hot heads with a bit of heated tension and pressure which I didn't show a lot.

Briana/Bria (noble/strong): Since Murphy is very "flowing" (sea), in other words his comedic stances, I felt like I needed to give him someone who was strong enough to calm him when his seas raged.

Grandma   A N G E L: Represents a guidance for everybody and being so welcoming with her open arms. She is supposed to be the positive soul. 

Eden Webster (Grandma Angel's daughter and Pierce's mother): The true birth of love. Although she died, she had nothing bad brought to her son. She truly wanted his life to be filled with joy and love.

5. The major themes that are showcased in this story are:

- Motherhood: The death of mothers leaves a long-lasting mark even if it hurts however, they only want what's truly best for their children. 

- Substance abuse (Physical, emotional): Portrayed through Colette's father, this inevitably shames the child to not let others deal with such a problem. Therefore, they like to keep it in by hiding it to their best ability which is a very huge case on Colette. Although drinking may relieve someone, it hurts others in the process.

- Disobedience (lying, etc.): Although parents and other adults deem it bad and troublesome for kids to sneak out of school by disobeying them, the kids themselves feel free out of their grasp. They feel good about disobeying. 

- Relationships: You may go through so much but if you really want it to work, you, yourself must put the effort (commitment). 

- Life vs. Death.

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