chapter ten

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It's been awkward between the couple since Simone's house. Sure they may have talked, yelled, hugged, and kissed but were they really okay? It took them to surprise that they actually fought but now, Colette isn't worried about Simone. She knew Pierce was hers and she was his. They have been taking things slow with their conversations, making sure to reflect their feelings. Making sure to be healthy and to prevent any arguments because Pierce didn't want to see his woman cry because of him again. He wanted to make sure she wouldn't cry again.

"Thank you for coming over," Grandma Angel spoke softly, brushing her hand over Colette's. Colette smiled with a nod.

"So anything that happened between you guys?" she asked.

"We had a fight the other day but it's been resolved. Right now we're working on communicating our feelings more and trying to understand each other," Colette replied.

"May I ask what happened?" Colette nodded her head again.

"We went to a friend's house but I didn't know them well and I guess I pressured him to just hang out with them without me."

"Aw. Goodness he's in love with you then. I don't think I've ever heard of my grandson wanting to be around someone so much." Colette blushed at her comment and Grandma Angel grinned. It was the truth though. Pierce stayed with his grandmother his entire life and growing up he only had his own friend group with TIllus, Murphy, Hagan, and Aero. He called them his brothers while Grandma Angel treated them like her own grandchildren. She held onto the guilt for her daughter's death and she hated the fact that Pierce would grow up without either of his parents beside him so she became his guardian. She provided for him. Like an Angel would. The boys were her life. The children were her life. And she was glad that they came to her whenever. She was there whenever and she'll always be there for anyone who needs it.

"It's a good thing you guys talked it out-" With a few kisses and hugs of course which Colette remembered, making her blush.

"-and I'm graciously proud. My goodness," she hummed.

"Thank you Grandma Angel." Colette looked at her with gratitude and felt warm in her presence. She was thankful to have someone to talk to.

"And if anything ever happens, you let me know dear." Colette could count on her for that.

"Grandma are you having your pep talks with Cole again?" Aero called out from the other end of the hallway. The pair laughed.

"You get going to them now. I'll be here." Colette gave her a hug and thanked her. As she walked through the hallway and into the living room where she saw her friends and Pierce, her smile grew.

"What'd you guys talk about?" Pierce asked as he went up to Colette, grabbing her hand and spinning her around like an anointed princess.

"Secret," Colette laughed.

"Girl talk I bet," Aero sighed. Colette made her way to Spark and Briana and sat beside them.

"Dude when you were gone for a few minutes, Murphy and Aero were wrapping their feets together, it was disgusting," laughed Spark. Briana had her palm on her face with a scrunched expression.

"How do you feel Briana?" Colette teased her.

"I am severely disturbed," she replied with a nauseous tone. She dropped her hand and eyed Murphy who was waving at her lightly with a small wave but when she looked away he began to walk towards them.

"Bria, are you okay?" he asked with a worried tone. Briana breathed in and out and put her hand out towards him, urging him to go away.

"If you ever and I mean, ever, tangle your feet together with Aero's, I will walk out."

"But I had socks on-"

"Murphy!" She cut him off.

"Yes babe." Briana dropped her hands and looked at her boyfriend with a softer expression. She put her hand out to him and he took it. She pulled him towards her and made him sit next to her.

"I love you regardless though," she reminded him. Murphy blushed and placed his head on her shoulder.

Spark witnessed it and gagged.

God, I'm surrounded by couples left and right.

"Sparky," Hagan called abruptly, making her jump. He sat between Colette and Spark and then nudged her.

"What do you want?" she looked at him with annoyance and a hint of bitterness played in her voice.

While Hagan continued to bother Spark, Colette couldn't help but notice their quarrels. It was cute.

"Look at them," murmured Colette to Pierce. Pierce smirked.

"No way, they're enemies," he retorted as he shook his head.

"I think so too never know." Colette wrapped her arm around Pierce's arm and scanned their friends. She loved them all. From Briana and Murphy's interesting relationship, Hagan and Spark's heated moment, to Aero and Tillus playing minecraft on their phones, Colette allowed herself to be happy.

"You okay?" Pierce watched her look at their friends like they were all hers.

"Yeah," she smiled and planted a kiss on his cheek. 

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