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Look I got bored okay and I'm guessing you guys are too


"Just so you know, Ralsei, I'm sorry in advance if I steal the blankets."
"That's ok, Kris, I just want you to get a rest. I just hope...that...that doesn't happen again."
Writer: Fuck he jinxed it (Don't worry I won't do that for at least a few chapters)
"I love you."
I nuzzle up to Ralsei while he watches me fall asleep, his warm robe that smelled of cinnamon.
*Healed 55 HP. If felt...comforting.
"...Ralsei, can I-"
He fell asleep. It''s nice to watch him take a break.


"Where...where am I?"
I turn my head.
"Who's there?"
Kris stands there, looking terrible. Their hands were covered in...dust?
"Kris, where did everyone else go?"
"Kris, why do you have a knife?"
"Kris, stop it. You could poke my eye out!"
"What does proceed even me-"
Kris stabs me in the chest.
"Why...why did you..."
"I need to get stronger. Now get out of the way. And I'm guessing you don't need this."
Kris searches around for my soul.
"Ah, there it is."
Kris crushes it.
"Bye, Ralsei."
Kris flashes a demonic smile.


"Ralsei? RALSEI? RALSEI?!"
"You were shaking the entire time..."
"I...I had a bad dream."
"I love you, alright? I always will."
I gently kiss Ralsei on the cheek.
"Kris, why do you always have a knife?"
"It's for eating pie."
"...can you get rid of it?"
"My mom's gonna kill me if I throw it away."
"Then can I have it?"
"Sure, Ralsei. It's in the drawer."
Writer: Hehe someone's gonna need that knife and someone's gonna have it but isn't there and someone's going to bring back the Roaring
"I just don't want you to stab me. Or anyone else for that matter..."
"Be right back. You stay there, I'm going to go make some breakfast for you guys, 'kay?"

After making some eggs and bacon, I go get a slice of pie.
"Do you want a slice of butterscotch cinnamon pie?"
"Oh! You make pie?"
"Eh. My mom told me a lot of things. Like dodging projectiles. And paying taxes, for some reason."
While Ralsei eats his pie and somehow DOESN'T GET ANY CRUMBS ON THE BED HOW THE HECK while I go call everybody else.
Susie and Noelle wake up first.
"God...damnit you have to wake us up at 8:30? There's no school..."
"C'mon, Susie. Noelle, get your girlfriend to eat breakfast."
Noelle and I laugh as Susie rushes downstairs.
"Now as for you-"
"Mm-Frisky, not there!"
"Uhh, guys, there's breakfast downstairs, and I can hear you."
"Aw, Kris, did you really need to interrupt us?"
"Char-a, the kid knows how to make b scotch pie."
"Toriel? You mean my mom?"
"What...what do you mean, that's MY mom."
"...oh right you guys are reality shifters sorry"
"aight kid let's see if you screwed up"
"Sorry, Frisky..."

"Ralsei! Do you want breakfast?"
"Okay, Kris, I'm coming in a minute!"
Finally, we can have an actual meal for once in this underground thing or whatever.
And nothing's going to go wrong...right?

Writer: Uhhh yeah not a chance

"We better get going, I wanna get out of here."
"Don't worry, it won't take long, I'd say about eight or nine hours." Frisk explains.
"EIGHT HOURS? Toriel's gonna kill me-"
"Y'know...I'd like to see your Toriel."
Chara eats a slice of pie.
"Wanna see if she still remembers me in a different timeline."
"Chara, of course we can, after we get out of this dump."
"Wait...where's Papyrus's traps?"

Writer: Um uh yeah I totally didn't tp you guys here

We get ready to leave when a thick cloud of fog blocks my view.
"God, damnit, I can't fucking see anything!"
A shadow emerged from the fog. It was...

A cheeseburger

jk it was papyrus


569 words

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