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"Look! We're almost at the fountain! It's Queen's mansion!"
"Huh? W-wait, why did we come here?"
"Kris You Brought Noelle Right To Me (I knew our truce was the best But Unfortunately That Means Trucies Are Over Noelle Get Over Here"
"But I...I..."
"Noelle I Will Only Say It One Time Infinitely Get Over here Get Over here Get Over here Get Over here"
"Noelle are you: Hesitating Let Me If-Then This For You How About: IF You Don't Listen THEN A Certain Bird Might Take A Ride In The Acid River Else We Are Totally Fine"
"B...berdly? (That's right, he was just with us...Queen must have captured him when we weren't looking!)"

Noelle reluctantly walks back to queen.
"I...I'm sorry, Kris, Susie...I...I wish I could have stayed with you longer, but...I...I can't let Berdly get hurt, y'know?"
"Don't Be Sad Noelle Honey All That Remains Is The Final Step"
"My splendorious Queen! There you are! Sorry, I thought I saw you in a used game store, and...oh, Noelle. Are you okay? You look a littl efunny."
"Okay Plan B"
Queen took the inner politician in her and started lying. How could anyone ever predict this?
"H-huh? What are you doing?"
"I See Now Her Will Must Be Unleashed By Force Perhaps If I Make Her Face Into A Robot One?"
" said you wouldn't do that if I..."
"Variably LYING set to TRUE"
"We were going to be smart together! That's not fair!"
"Understood Fairness Activated"
Boom, more electric cages.
"Well, shit, Berdly, you just HAD to open your dumb-ass mouth."
"Good Thing I Calibrated Those Cages"
"Berdly I Only Play Mobile Games"
"Wait, Berdly, so you're saying that if Queen was a so called gamer, that you would be willing to try to hurt your classmates repetitively, torment them, fall off a roller coaster and try to kill us with an axe you found on the ground?"
"Yep, pretty much."

"Wh...what are you going to do to me?"
"Oh Damn You're Still Here I only made 4 Cages lol Hahhaa"

Meanwhile the teenagers going to their rooms...
"How Do You Like Your New Room Units As You Can See They Are Perfectly Suited To Your Interests Which I gleaned From Your Internet Search Results I Estimate You Will Have No Desire To Leave Please Tantalize Yourself with your Surroundings And Wait Patiently While I Dominate The World. Toodles"

"Kris...hey! Can you hear me? Looks like there's some way to communicate between rooms."
"Convenient Isn't It I really Thought of Everything"
"Shut up! Anyway, let's think of some way to get out of here. Ralsei, you got any bright ideas? Hey...where the hell's Ralsei?"
The sound of screaming comes from the door.
"Damn, that soft-yet tender screaming - Kris, that's gotta be him!"
"Hold on what the hell he's my fluffy boy"
"ANYWAY, we gotta think of some way to get out! Anything you smuggled in that might help us?"
Oh right. My pocket. Lancer?
"Missed me??? Because I missed you!! Ho ho ho!"
"Lancer?! That you? I thought you ditched us!"
"No! I love ditches but I would never ditch you!"
"I was simply relaxing Kris's spacious Pants Hole."

"What the fuck"
"Uhh, pocket."
"Yes! And I saw it all! Pants. Lint. Various Items. A wild Mom put you in some Shock Cages"
"Hahah, yeah. We're trapped, so, uh...Hey, wait didja see on the roller coaster?"
"Yes! It was amazing! My first coaster ride! Haha! I love getting nauseous with friends! SPEEEEEEEEEN"
"Hey, you should probably, uh, free us."
"Oh right! Yes! you can always rely on friendly make you free!!! For a cost..."
"What's the cost"
"Zero dollars"
"Haha! I have no idea how to use this!!"
Lancer goes into stool mode and starts mashing random inputs into the computer.
" item for room?? That sounds good. Item Request: Shovel. Quantity: Let's say...999."
"Hoho! It worked! Let's go, blue person whose name I know!"

I don't think I'll be able to write 8 more chapters in 3 days
629 Words

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