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I'm so sorry for not posting enough ;-:


The's never something I've liked. It's not the fear that there's something there. It's the fear that everything isn't there. But's more familiar. It feels...normal. Comforting even. And we're here again. castle town.
"Kris! Susie! It's been ever-so-long!"
"Yeah, yeah. It's been what, a day?"
"Oh! That is...short, isn't it? It's just that, I've never had friends I've never waited so long to see them again, either! Fine, guess we'll TRY not to let you die of loneliness. I bet Lancer wants to see us too, right?"
"Lancer's not..."
I look around. The town is filled with only the sound of whistling wind and the dim light of blue candles.
"Wait a second...where IS Lancer?"
"Don't worry, Susie. You'll see them in a moment. Just wait here, alright?"
"...OK. (Hey, this better not be some kind of prank of something!)"

Ralsei walks up and whispers in my ear. God, I forgot how warm and fluffy he is.
"Kris, I need you to do something. I need you to return to the Light World. Go to the old classroom east of the double doors. Inside, gather everything on the ground and bring it back here. Could you?"

The's just filled with playing cards, a checker board and some pawn pieces. It seems the dungeons and dragons castle disappeared. The jack of spades card intrigues you. Look at it?
♥Yes     No no no no no no no no no no no no
There's...a lot of profanity scribbled on it. And a motorcycle. For some reason.
Short 'take a moment and think what they're doing right now' moment

I piled it all on my head and went  to the closet. The junk disappeared. Wait a second...Writer! yes you! WRITER!
Writer: "God, what is it?"
"Don't tell me it's another one of those cliché things where the ball of junk turns into fucking everyone!"
"It is. That's not me, blame the dog."
*breaks in with a machete*
TAKE TWO hahaha im at 333 words :DEEEEEEEE

"So, Kris, where the fuck is every..."
The junk spreads around the air twinkling with darkness.
"Guess who's back, Clowns?!"

"(Ralsei, don't you think it's nice?)"
"(h-huh? Sorry, Kris, what did you say?)
Ralsei...he's more distracted than usual.
"(That Susie's...changing? She's making...friends.)"
"(Well, I've never really seen Susie that much, but I'm glad she's happy with Lancer.)"
I stare at Ralsei. He seems distant.
"Hello? Ralsei?"
Ralsei snaps back and starts blushing.
"Oh! Sorry..."
"You seem there something on your mind?"
"Well...I want to show you guys something I made for you."

"Didn't know what you did, Kris, but hell yeah! Everyone's here! But, uh, what happened to, uh, Lancer's castle?"
"All gone!"
"Right...when Kris sealed the fountain, that 'Dark World' disappeared...and turned back into a normal classroom."
" where's Lancer gonna live now?"
"Don't worry, Susie! We'll conquer Ralsei's castle as our own! EXTERMINATION OF ALL TOOTHPASTE BOYS!"
It seems Ralsei's finally not taking things so seriously.

"(Kris, as you bring Dark World denizens here, the power of our fountain...will transform the town more and more. From now on, the enemies we spare will be recruited to our town. So let's keep SPARING enemies, okay? Anyhow, why don't we all have a look around? We can head NORTH towards the castle. I have a special surprise here there!"
"Oh no, Ralsei, please don't tell me it's another one of those giant projects someone made you do but since you're such a people pleaser you do them!"
"Oh, thankfully, I finally learned what self care is. Now I treat myself to the occasional slice of cake!"
"Finally! Thank you, Ralse-"
"out of the 2763 other slices."
"...maybe you should learn that what you MAKE goes to YOU and that you should have a slice of what you MADE BY YOURSELF. Jeez, Ralsei, you have a problem. Can you ever be nice to yourself for just ONE DAY?"
"Hey! Kris and Ralsei! While you guys were jibber-jabbering about acting like weenies, we robbed the bakery!"
"N-Susie! Put that back!"
"...fine. I just wanted to eat the chalk off of it." (hehe)
"...Please, come to my castle."

The castle is...ginormous. It seems...larger? Last time, there was only a few rooms.
"So, you wanted to show off your giant house?"
"No, what I want you to see is upstairs!"

Ralsei guided me and Susie to...our...own rooms.
"I made new rooms for you! I'd like if this place would be like a second home to you. A place that you can matter what's happening outside."
"...heh, well, we'll take a look."

My own room. It's...wonderful. A wardrobe full of all sorts of clothes. It's a bed skillfully crafted. For a bed inspector. You could wear WHATEVER you want. I could put anything in the shelves...even a stand for the manual.
"I thought you might want to keep it here in case you want to read it!"
"Ralsei! Why the hell does THEIR room get moss?"
"...why do you like moss so much?"
"Long story. I'll tell you later. Let's see Susie's room."

"Oh! Susie, this is your room! Umm, I tried to make it something you'd like, but you can put anything else you want in here, too! I really hope you like it!"
" own room, huh. I...guess that's pretty cool. My own long did it, uh, take you to do this?"
"Well, er, since I last saw you two, I..."
"Man, you're a real weenie, you know that? Heheheh..."
"(I think she likes it, Kris!)
"Haha, jealous I got the COOL room? LOOK, Kris!"

Her room looks very...spiky, to say the least. I can't believe Ralsei would...make us our own rooms. All the clothes are ripping eachother into shreds.
"Susie, you didn't get to read the manual so I put it up here to read it for you."
"Cool, I'll read it before bed. That'll put me to sleep. Damn, there's everything in here! Pinecones, chalk, moss, jars of salsa, pieces of ice, black crumbs from the toaster, jawbreakers...oh, and like actual food, too. And a spike bed. Now I can finally stab myself at night. Finally some convenience."

"(Ralsei, what's up there?)"
"Oh, just more rooms I'm renovating!"
"So is your room up there?"
"Er, yes! I still haven't dusted it yet though..."
"Yeah, like we need to see your nerdy glasses collection anyway."
"Oh! I nearly forgot! This is where I cook!"
"You cook in a giant witch's pot?"
"Of course! Cauldron cooking is very convenient! Here. Kris, Susie, have a cake!"
A cake...explodes from the cauldron?
"MINE! Haha, get wrecked! Mm, a little thick on the frosting."
"Hey, anybody else could have made an interception. Hey, how about a strawberry cake as a room-warming gift."
God, sometimes Susie can just be a jerk.
"Can't you see that Ralsei's been working hard already? There's already a ton of food in your fridge."
"('s been a day and congratulations, you have a baby. Have you tried breastfeeding?)"

Writer taking off nonexistent glasses to see what this says
"KRIS, MAYBE YOU SHOULD [[StopSmoking]] AND UNDERSTAND [What It's Like To Chew 5 Gum...] you [HyperlinkBlocked] of             "
"(Hey-Kris! That's a little insensitive of you!)
"(Sorry...let's just go.)

"Wait, Kris! We're leaving? But I don't wanna do our group project..."
"Kris? Susie? You have homework?"
"Uh, well..."
"Kris, Susie, you oughta do it  School's important! Until you finish your homework, I banish you from the kingdom!"
"(C'mon, Ralsei!)"

They just wanted their fluffies :(

1200 words :D

Fluffy Boys: Kralsei FanficUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum