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NIKKI-THE MEETING was about to start and I was talking T-Bone

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

THE MEETING was about to start and I was talking T-Bone. "I told Bella that I knew," I told him.

"How'd she react?" He chuckles.

"She was worried I would be mad at first then I admitted to also having crushes," I took a deep breath, "how do you feel about it?"

"About your wife having the hots for me but not wanting to sleep with me?" He asks.


"Well," he leans back in his seat, "that's a first."

"Would you let me?" He asked.

"Let you what?" I raise an eyebrow and hoping he doesn't mean what I think he means.

"Alright guys let's talk," Doug finally starts, "I booked you guys an interview."

"You did?" I smile, "Sweet!"

"In Italy," he says.

"Shit!" I yell, "when?"

"Next week," he tells us.

"Next week?" I raise my voice.


"Doug we just got back," I complain. "Because I'm sure all of us wanna have time to spend our family."

"Do you guys want more publicity or not?" Doug shuts me up, "We're obviously not making much money. We need to do something, and this is that something."
"I can't belive you have to go so soon after getting off tour," Bella says getting the lint off my coat.

"I know," I sigh

"Monica I'm gonna drop Nikki off at the airport," Bella grabs a sweater.

"I know, it's the entire reason I'm here," she says bouncing Storm on her leg.

"Right," Bella says, "I'll be back."

Bella took the Civic and I took a Polaroid of her. "What're you doing?" She laughs then shifts.

"Thought I might forget what you look like," I shake the picture.

We got to the airport, "Have fun," she brushes off my coat again, "and bring something back for me okay?"

"Okay," I lean down and kiss her, "I'll be back in a couple days."

MY TANK went low on the way back so I stopped at the gas station. This car pulled in but I paid no mind to it. As I went in to pay I then noticed what it was. And it had a for sale sign.

"Oh my god that thing is adorable," it was one of those newer Miata's that looked like it had a smiley face. It looked so cute, it made me wanna poke it with my finger and say "goochie goochie goo."

"You know what you can have it," the man said with a cigarette and a raspy voice, "I'm done trying to sell this piece of shit."

"Really?" I ask with my eyes wide open.


"Like actually?"


"You're serious."

"I am, now stop before I take it back," he says.

"Okay, let me go pay for my gas, then get my niece and I'll come back," I tell him, "does that work?"

"Yeah, do what you need to do," he says.

I paid for my tank and called Monica, "get the kids ready and warm up the Chevy." I rushed back to the house and they were standing outside.

"Why'd you want me to warm up the truck?" She asks.

"I wasn't sure if you remembered how to drive manual," I say and buckle the kids in.

"Am I driving there?" She asks.

"No I'm driving there then you drive back since I already know where we're going," I explain.

We got back to the gas station, "Ta-Da!" I do jazz hands.

"You bought a new car?" She asks stunned.

"No, he is giving it to me, for free," I smile and turn around.

"Here's the pink slip," he hands everything to me. We spend some time filling out the paperwork and then gives me the keys, "she's all yours."

"Man this thing is cute," Monica says, "it's so tiny."

"I know."

On the way back I realized what I did. Storm was in the seat next to me in a car seat. "God your dads gonna be so mad at me."

JETLAG. THAT'S how I feel. We arrived in Milan yesterday and I didn't even wanna go out to see anything. I slept.

Today we had the interview. Doug seemed like an arrogant American to everyone, and I felt checked out.

We sat on a table where we all faced a ton of reporters and journalists. Whatever the difference is.

The questions were shot and because most of them were answered. They all seemed pretty generic, nothing I haven't heard before.

Then one woman asked me a question, "Nikki I want to ask you a question," she had big lips and an accent, auburn hair, and looked like Rachel Welch in the movie Bedazzled. "Do you ever thank God for making you so beautiful."

"No," I paused, "I curse him for making my dick so small."

After that was all over she came up to me, "Nikki, would you like to go out for coffee?"

I looked around, "Well, you know I'm married."

"No no, just talking," she said, "maybe we will go tomorrow."

"Call me."

I gave her my room number trusting that it would be just coffee. And maybe an article.

"You ready to go Sixx?" Doug yelled.
The next morning I brushed my teeth and laid in bed. A knock was heard so I answered and it was the girl from yesterday.

She immediately slipped out of all her clothes and was wearing a red push-up bra. Her skin was a golden brown, her body was almost perfect and I had morning wood pushing against my pants.

She then pushed me down onto the bed, "Let's see if God really cursed you."

We went on, she put her hands all over me and mine all over her, then right as I was about to fuck her asked, "You have a rubber right?"

"No, I don't."

"Then I'll be right back," she put her clothes on and left.

While I was alone I had this moment of realization. What am I doing? I almost fucked this chick. I'm married and have children. Fucking this beautiful woman would be such a waste of time.

I put my clothes on and knocked on Mick's door. He opened it straight away, "You have to help me man."

"With what?"

"Can I stay in here, just until this chick leaves. The journalist, she's in her room rummaging got a condom but I don't wanna fuck her so can I stay in here until she's gone?" I plead.

"Yeah sure," he steps aside and let's me in.

"Thank you."

"You know I'm very proud of you," he says.

"For what?"

"Resisting the urge," he shrugs.

Looking through the peephole I saw her come through a few minutes later she went in the room and realized no one was there.

LOVESHINE | NIKKI SIXXTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang