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BELLA-LAST DAY of this crap

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LAST DAY of this crap. Words can't describe how excited I am. This has been one of the most stressful tours I have had. And I've been on a lot of tours.

"Can I watch this last show?" Gunner asks.

"Of course, just make sure you stay in the booth," I tell him.

Storm stayed in the hotel room with the nanny. Unlike what I've seen from the crowds from this entire tour. Gunner actually jumped and sang every word to every song.

"Power to the Music" started playing and Gunner got excited.

"I love this song!" He says with his fist in the air.

It made me happy to see him enjoying himself. It brought a little happiness to these miserable shows.

"Okay we have one song left tonight," Nikki panted, "but I wanna dedicate this last song to the women up in that booth." He points to me, "Bella, I love you."

They started playing "Loveshine" and I blew a kiss to Nikki.

It may be a bit cheesy but Nikki has never said that during a show before. A show! To me, this was a big deal.
"I can't believe it!" Nikki grabs my face and gives me a kiss, "it's over, we're going home tomorrow."

"I know," I smile. The crew was giving their last goodbyes to people.

A good handful of people gave me thanks. The one that felt the most awkward was Tommy's.

His hand grazed against my ass which was definitely an accident but he seemed to notice it. "My bad," he laughed, "hey thanks for doing this again."

"No problem T-Bone."

"And sorry about the whole, giving Nikki drugs thing," he swings his arms back and forth.

"It's fine, not entirely your fault," I press my lips together, "Nikki should have said no."

I don't know what it was that made him suddenly seem attractive. Possibly him cutting his hair? It was hard to determine. Hoping once I go home it's over.

"Wanna get back?" Nikki comes up and asks.

"I have to stay and pack the equipment," I pecked his lips.
"I'm back," I say unlocking the door.

"Hey, come here," he pulled me by my waist as he laid down so I would be on top of him. We stare at each other for a couple seconds. He smiles and so do I. I lean down and kiss him.

"Thank you for everything," he says once he pulled away.

"No problem," I kiss him again. He rolls over and starts kissing me again, he goes down my neck and to my upper chest which was exposed by my V-neck.

"I should get changed," I say and he gets off of me.

"But you look hot in a t-shirt and cargo pants," he whines.

LOVESHINE | NIKKI SIXXWhere stories live. Discover now