Back at it.

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"But you gon' have to let this shit go
Don't want you in my bloodline,
Not tryna make you all mine"

bloodline by Ariana Grande

Saturday morning went by quickly, and now it's time to go back

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Saturday morning went by quickly, and now it's time to go back.

We had previously decided to leave on Sunday, but because of traffic we decided against it, so we're leaving now, at 1 pm of a Saturday.

I hug my parents and my dogs, and say goodbye.

I am not looking forward to this car ride.

"Have you thought about going professional hockey?" My brother asks me

"Like,.. like dad? A professional coach?" I ask confused, turning my phone off and laying it on my lap.

"Yeah, maybe" He says, gripping tighter the steering wheel. I know what he's thinking, that I'll leave.

Dad had a rough time being a coach, with traveling, and he always speaks about female coaches, that they are barely hired because.. well, they are females.
Mom suffered a lot too, she tries to keep up, but she had to stay here for us. And even sometimes we would have to stay at our grandparents place so there would be no one there for her.

I know the risks, but I'm taking sports administration for a reason, and I have always played hockey my entire lifetime. I know what I'm doing. Also, I think I have a little more credibility because I am the daughter of Robert Campbell, the legendary NHL coach.

We (bruins) haven't lost in over 5 years consecutive.

But obviously throughout his lifetime they have won multiple times, now it's just consecutive.

My dad is actually a fucking badass, and I will be one too.

"I.. you know it will be harder right? For you to succeed in this" Wardo says, and I nod. "I know that, and I will achieve it." I say strongly, a note that tells him to change subject. "Alright". And so he does.

The rest of the ride goes quietly, the only sound being my music on the AUX.


I then recieve a phone call as soon as my brother parks the car. We didn't leave the car yet, so my phone is still conected.

Daphne is calling me.

I pick up.

"Hey Rory! Are you back home yet?" She asks as she finishes eating something, I chuckle at the action and answer her that we just got here.

"Great, cause I have a party for you and your brother to come to" She states and I look at him, he nods. "Sure, where?" I ask her, she immediately answers "Oh my god great! So, it's at ten, and I'll come get ready with you by eight so we can have some drinks before going, so I'll tell you the deets later"

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