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Percy- Son of Piosiden, can control water and spoiler, blood and poison aka everything that has water in it. Greek. Boy-friend of Annabeth, ex-boyfriend of Sophie.

Annabeth- daughter of Athena girlfriend of Percy. Greek

just too lazy to put all the others in. #LazAuther

Sophie's powers are different from normal cannon KOTLC.

Sophie- elf can have whatever ability the person she touches has for one hour. Weild a twin sword as good as Percy with Riptide. With the Neverseen after Keefe left. code name Icicle

Keefe (The original one)- Empath and many more he doesn't know. Ex-boyfriend to Sophie. 

The Greek gods and the council are enemys so bad that they kill each other when they meet.(But gods win of course.)


eye dropper to make the eye blue

smoke cubes

retracable ####### (Spoilers)



I will update this


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