Chapter 24 - Bargains

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Chay Ferrier strode up to the throne, Reno behind him. His tunic was embellished with cloth of gold, something he knew would please his Queen. They bent to one knee when they reached the dais. Maven was radiant in white and gold. Her strawberry blond hair was half up in an elegant arrangement of curls atop her head. The rest flowed freely down her back and over her shoulders.

Chay came from a meeting with Zen's mother, and Kevyn's Aunt. It was quite an interesting gathering, to say the least. But the three had something important that aligned them. Get their people home. Pillar would have some meetings at City Hall. Bussaba gave the details she knew but concluded there was nothing useful to be done. It was best to wait it out until they were released, she'd said.

"It is wonderful to see you, Lord Ferrier," Maven said with a smile. "Rise. To what do I owe the pleasure?"

Chay and Reno stood. "I have come to ask for assistance for the Capitol against the Demons and Poisoners. And, in retrieving their captives."

"As your Sovereign, I will respond if your Lands are in need. Of course, I will."

"The influential there are unconcerned, all except for the Fuegos and those like them."

"Would you like to take Sissy back with you?" the Queen asked. Sissy, or Catharsis, was the Princess and her daughter. The last time Chay saw her, she was in black leggings, a red flannel skirt, and cool blue leather jacket. The portrait of modern Rage down to the way she sat with one leg on the table. Other times, she was all gauzy dark lace and somber demeanor. Chay didn't see her in the room at the moment but the Queen's son the Prince was. Joie, in contrast to his sister, was the Fairy Prince of Merriment and all-around party boy.

"It would be my honor to welcome her to the Capitol, but not quite yet, Your Majesty. I don't wish to alarm everyone. And, I have to get my friends back first. Negotiations ended - badly."

"Ah," she replied in understanding. "You've said they're in Hellgate, yes? The Spymaster's Keep." She paused a moment in thought, then continued, "I can get you in undetected, but you must be cautious, and you cannot be caught." Chay's eyes widened in surprise at such direct help. "In exchange, young Lord, I shall ask a favor of you."

"Yes, of course." Chay felt both relieved and wary.

"I wish you to speak to Prince Ironcroft. The Unseelie court has been disbanded for some time, but I see signs from him that he may be rallying the cause, and speaking with Evita. But do not act yet. It's not the right time. And you have your own matters to address first."


Brock entered the room with an armful of books.

"Alright, Rojo?" Kevyn asked. Brock nodded.

"Have fun on your knees?" Zen asked dryly.

"Fuck you Zen!" Brock exploded and dropped the books to the ground.

"Zen," Kevyn said disapprovingly.

"Shit," Brock exclaimed, looking at the books. When he looked back at Zen he added, "You have no fucking idea how fucked I am, do you? Mommy and Daddy can't get me out of this like you. No one can. No one but me."

"I can," Zen hissed. "I will. Have a little fucking faith!"

"Forgive me for not betting my life on whether you can extend your reach to me. If you even have any here. I didn't say yes, by the way. But I did hear what he had to say."

"What did he say?" Kevyn asked, clearly trying to get the conversation onto a more productive track.

"You should consider it," Kevyn said to Brock when he was done.

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