Chapter 11 - Hangover

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Zen woke the next morning with a splitting headache and groaned. Kevyn stirred, which reminded Zen quickly that he wasn't alone.

"Alright?" Kev asked sleepily. Zen cracked an eye. Kevyn was lying on his back, one arm over his head, and looking at him in concern.

"My head is throbbing," Zen said miserably.

"Is it the magic you used last night? The possible poison?"

"Either. Both. I bet drinking didn't help either." When someone wasn't used to depleting their energy, it could leave a wicked hangover, especially for those low in magic to begin with.

"I'll get you some water," Kevyn said.

"Thanks." When Kevyn returned, glass in hand Zen asked, "How do you feel?"

Kev shrugged. "Drained but not wiped out. You did more than me, though."

Zen drank half the water in one go, then remembered he had something better. He went into his potion store, a lacquered box with rows of labeled vials, and pulled out the one for hangovers - magical or otherwise, it would work no matter the reason. Downed it in one. He made a face at the bitter taste, then he lay face down under the covers and vowed not to move for a while.

"Get some rest," Kevyn urged. "I'll start looking at the documents if you don't mind."

"Go ahead," Zen said through the pillow. Kevyn left the room and came back a minute later to get him to unlock his laptop. Zen didn't mind. All his private files were password protected, and he had no shame about the sites he visited and videos he had.

Zen woke a couple of hours later, threw on some pajama bottoms, and went into the living room. Kevyn was on the couch, wearing sweatpants that were too small for him, feet up, and laptop on his lap. The television was on, playing an earlier season of a drama show.

Kevyn looked at him. "How do you feel, Lightning Bug?"

"Better," Zen replied. The throbbing was down to a mild ache, and he wasn't nearly so nauseous.

He grabbed a piece of thick buttered bread from the plate on the coffee table and sat down. Kevyn made room, sitting up.

"There's coffee made, too, if you want," Kevyn said, as Zen took a bite. It was the good bread, the way Elena made it, Zen was pleased to see. He grabs his favorites from the District farmer's market every week. It isn't always the same foods and same chefs, but it's the best food in the world, at least to Zen.

The word coffee finally seeped into Zen's mind and he got right up again to get a cup for himself. So Kevyn found everything alright while Zen was conked out. When he sat back down, he asked, "Anything interesting in the files?"

"Nah. More of the same as what you opened up back in the office. It's shitty business, but -"

"Nothing illegal," Zen finished.

"Right. Although, there is this encrypted file I can't get into." Dramatic music played on the TV, and Zen had to smile. "Can you get into it?" Kevyn asked.

"I don't think so, but I can give it a try when I'm more rested up."

Kevyn nodded. Then changed the subject, saying as he closed the laptop and put it on the coffee table, "So, best first date or worst first date?"

Zen sat closer to Kevyn, wrapping his arms around his waist. "Best first date," he said and kissed him.



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