Rehearsal Incident

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"What's going on here?" he demanded, scanning the scene.

Jin quickly filled him in, "Gojang-nim, Na-Rae is calling for us, but they won't let us through."

The manager sighed, realizing the gravity of the situation. In one of his first weeks as their new manager, he shook his head, unsure of what to say. Finally, he ordered the crew, "Let Seokjin-ssi go!" seeing the crew members not responding he added in anger "Can't you hear me? I said let Jin go to her. She's calling for them. Let at least one of them go to her."

Understanding the urgency, the crew members released Jin. He shot them a fierce look as he sprinted toward Na-Rae. The manager then directed the rest of the boys, "The others, let's go backstage. I know you want to stay by her side, but now we can't do anything. Medicals are on their way, and Jin-ssi is with her. Come on." The boys, initially resistant, nodded hesitantly. It was a mix of hyungs taking each dongsaeng with them, comforting one another as they retreated backstage.

"I'm here, Nara-ssi. It's going to be okay," Jin reassured her, sitting firmly by her side, wiping away the tears that were still streaming down her face. His attempts to comfort her collided with the harsh reality of her pain.

"It hurts so much. What's happening?" Na-Rae asked in distress, tears streaming down her face. Again Jin gently wiped away her tears, offering what solace he could.

"The medical team is here. Make space for them," one of the crew members instructed, but Jin refused to leave her side. They could try to pull him away, but he wouldn't leave her alone again.

"I know, I know. Your leg got hurt by some fireworks, and to be honest, it doesn't look like anything good." Jin said he knew the girl deserved the truth, knowing her for ages, he understood exactly what she needed to hear. "I know you're in a panic, but don't worry; everyone is here to help you, and in no time, you will be okay. I'm staying with you. Everything will be fine. I promise," he assured her. Na-Rae nodded, gripping his arm tightly as someone examined her leg. Jin winced but didn't flinch away; he was determined to be there for her, enduring any pain she was going through. His protective side shone through, refusing to leave her side.


In the emergency room, the medical team swiftly attended to Na-Rae's injuries. The initial chaos began to settle as professionals took control. Jin, deeply concerned for the girl, was allowed to stay by her side until the anesthesia took full effect, providing a semblance of comfort during the distressing situation. Unwillingly, he left the room when instructed, his eyes never leaving Na-Rae until the door closed behind him.

Outside the room, Jin anxiously waited for more updates. He decided to call Na-Rae's sister, So-Yeon, informing her about the incident and the ongoing medical attention Na-Rae was receiving. Bang Pd-nim, also deeply troubled by the situation, made his way to the hospital as Na-Rae's guardian. The impending concert seemed insignificant compared to the urgency of ensuring Na-Rae received proper care and was on the path to recovery.

So-Yeon rushed into the hospital, her worry etched on her face. "How is she? How could this happen?" she exclaimed, seeking solace in Jin, who stood up and enveloped her in a comforting hug. She never could see her sister in pain, and being in Jin's arms provided a momentary respite from the anxiety.

"It all happened so fast. We heard her cursing, and before we knew it, the fireworks exploded in the air. So-Yeon-ah, it's a good thing you weren't there. Her cries are still lingering in my ears," Jin explained, gently pulling her out of the hug, his eyes reflecting the intensity of the situation.

Covering her face with her hands, So-Yeon sighed and looked up at the ceiling. "Why is it always her?"

"So-Yeon-ah, it was an accident," Bang Pd-nim reassured her, rubbing her back in an attempt to offer comfort.

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