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Facts and interesting stories/knowing about Lee Na-Rae:

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Facts and interesting stories/knowing about Lee Na-Rae:

SCOUTING___ PD-nim: "I first spotted her during one of her Orchestra performances in Seoul. Although she is recognized for her exceptional Cello skills, her mesmerizing voice and charming charisma caught my attention. From that day on, I knew that she was the perfect addition to our company."

FAMILY___ A few months after BTS debuted, Na-Rae's mother tragically passed away from an illness. Although Na-Rae briefly discussed this in a V-live session, it's essential to note that, for health reasons, discussing this topic in interviews and formal conversations is strictly off-limits. Her father had never been part of her sister's and her lives since her birth. After their mother's passing, Bang PD-nim and her older sister, So-Yeon, searched for him and located him. When they finally found him, they broke the news about their mother's passing. His response was filled with sympathy, but it was evident that he cared less. He acknowledged his actions, and lack of deeds, and said, "I know there are no good answers for what I did. I didn't just let your mom down; I let both of you down. I appreciate your efforts to find me, but I ran away because this wasn't the life I wanted. I didn't want children, and when Na-Rae was born, I fled because this wasn't the life I had in mind. I am and never will be a good dad, and I hope one day you will understand."  With that, he settled the bill for their drinks and left. So-Yeon, who had taken on the role of guardian at the young age of 18, couldn't help herself and said: "I understand why Mom never wanted me to search for you. Na-Rae was the one who always searched for you, not knowing where to start. I  can recognize your face, your voice, and your presence, not always clear but I know you, Na-Rae doesn't even have a picture of you, she doesn't know a single thing about you. But hearing you, seeing you now, I wish Na-Rae would never find you. Knowing that one of our parents isn't here anymore is painful, even unbearable. However, knowing that one of our parents still lives but refuses to accept responsibility is even more distressing." So-Yeon's protective stance ensured that no further contact or interference would come from their father. Their mother had foreseen her time on earth, and she had arranged with Bang PD-nim to take care of her two children. He promised her, that he would ensure the girls' safety and protect them from any potential harm

DORM LIFE___ Na-Rae and her sister lived in the same building as her members. It wasn't a grand or luxurious place, but she didn't mind. They were rarely at home. If her sister wasn't around before evening, she would have dinner with the boys at their dorm. However, she always slept in the same room or bed as her sister. After their mother's passing, Na-Rae was diagnosed with parasomnia, a sleeping disorder resulting from a traumatic incident. (a chapter will be written about this.) As time went on, her sister's studies became more demanding, and their dorm was not located near her university. So-Yeon had the opportunity to rent a room on her campus. She discussed it with Bang PDnim, who agreed. He understood that So-Yeon needed to prioritize her studies, a desire that their mother had wished for. At that moment, So-Yeon chose not to mention her sister's sleeping problem to Bang PDnim, fearing what would or could happen. But being the lovely man, Bang PDnim assured So-Yeon not to worry about her sister. The dorm would still be theirs, and the boys lived in the same building in case of emergencies. When Na-Rae learned of her sister's plans, she wasn't thrilled. She felt like her sister wanted to distance herself, but she had to accept So-Yeon's decision because it had Bang PDnim's approval. So-Yeon would return home once a week, sometimes for an entire weekend if she had the time. However, So-Yeon knew that her sister wasn't truthful about living at their dorm. She didn't mind really, but rumors were easily spread. Bang PDnim shared the same concerns and issued warnings, but they fell on deaf ears. Na-Rae and the boys shared everything, except the bathroom, or at least not at first. When Na-Rae finished her routine, one of the boys used her bathroom. She shared a bed with Jin or Hoseok, who were strict about her activities and boundaries, but it gave her some rest and a protective feeling. On the other side, she loved it when the others let her do whatever she wanted or let her do stupidities like every teenager. Jin and Hoseok laughed at her silliness at times, but Na-Rae was aware when she went too far. She needed someone to set limits, and Hoseok and Jin were those two. Bang PDnim and his team made attempts to clarify that Na-Rae and the boys did not share a dorm, but ARMY knew better: "Isn't that Na-Rae's shirt on Jin's bed?" or "These are Na-Rae's shoes; you can't deny that. They're too small, even for Jimin," were among the comments. "How does J-Hope even know that about Na-Rae, I don't even know the habits of my brother and he sleeps next door."  Fans noted that their relationship seemed closer than just friends. Some even predicted that one day ARMY would uncover the truth.

FOOD___ "Which member is the pickiest eater?" The members wrote down names on small chalkboards provided for this interview round. "Na-Rae, is it true? Are you the pickiest one?" The girl pouted and held up her board with Taehyung's name on it. "No, I'm not! Tae hyung is the correct answer." The leader chimed in, "Both members are picky eaters, but Nara always denies it. She eats what she wants. Sometimes, we cook food at our dorm, and Nara can say, 'No, Hyung, I don't want that; it seems funny. I'll just make some ramen.' Taehyung doesn't like anything spicy, which sometimes makes it challenging to have a meal together." The boys agreed and shared a laugh. The girl remained with her arms crossed and a pouting face, continuing to sulk.; She hates diets, and is lucky she isn't asked too often to do them, she loves sports and goes often to the gym. The girl is lucky to have a good metabolism.; She loves spicy food, chocolate, and fruit (peaches and apples are her favorites). 

MANAGER___ She's the darling of every manager, often seen hanging around backstage with everyone, but her favorite is Manager Sejin. He's the most protective of her, and at events, he always stands close by. In his eyes, she's still that little fragile 15-year-old girl standing among seven tall guys. His first thought when he met her was "What is she doing between all those boys?" However, after witnessing her dancing and singing he understood Bang Pdnim's decision. ARMY adores their interactions. The most-watched video of them is a moment from Bon Voyage where she received a scolding from him, and the next moment, she fell asleep beside him.; Bad Bad Manager: There was a time when they had a very strict manager. When they did something he considered wrong, he would threaten the group. Once, it got so far that he almost hit Jungkook. That's when Na-Rae stepped in front of him, and his hand made contact with her cheek. The boys were furious, while Na-Rae wore a bewildered expression, as in asking herself, "What just happened?" After the video footage of that day and the reaction from ARMY, the manager lost his job. This incident wasn't the first time a manager lost their job due to threatening the group. Thankfully, most of the managers loved their jobs and wanted the best for the group.

LOVE___ ARMY often created "ships," sometimes even love-related. Even though some ARMY members knew it wasn't realistically possible, they still tried or dreamed about it. BTS allowed them to do so, as long as it made ARMY happy and didn't harm anyone. Why not? One amusing aspect was Na-Rae's reaction when someone shipped her with the boys. The disgusted look on her face was money-worthy and she pushed away any member who attempted to tease her with kisses or hugs when their ship name came up. However, once TXT debuted, it became evident that she had a soft spot for Yeonjun. Every time someone mentioned him, she blushed so intensely that it was clear who her crush was. Their meetings were always a bit awkward, with both youngsters blushing and giggling together. The hashtag #MakeYeonaeReal would trend whenever new footage of the two of them appeared.

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