Can't ever go back now

Start from the beginning

 "It's just... I'm so terrified of letting everyone down and that if Catalan is actually going to betray me and that it was all an act to get me to fall in love with him. I'm afraid that if I trust him with my heart, he's going to shatter it. I just... I feel so out of control and so exposed," I blurt out and Aunt Vivi bursts into laughter. 

"Rhea, that's a good thing. Besides, look at that ring. He clearly likes you. And your mom told me that it was his mother's. Based off how he talks about his mother, he wouldn't give it to someone if he didn't think it'd be serious or if he wanted it back. Besides, you're getting married. Every bride is allowed to feel freaked out of their frickin' minds before they get married." 

I look at Aunt Vivi and give a one-shouldered shrug as I ask, "Do you think I'm doing the right thing?" 

And she only gives me a knowing smile. 

"I don't think it's as much about if you're doing the right thing as it is if you love him, Rhea. Do you love him?" she asks and I pause and her catlike grin appears. 

"I rest my case," she says softly as she squeezes my hand, "So yes. I think if you're marrying for love now rather than an alliance, then you're not just doing the right thing, you're doing the thing you want to do. Everyone in Elfhame and your family in the mortal realm would want that for you." 

I hug her and she rubs my back. 

"I'm always here for you, Rhea... but," she says at the same time there's a knock at the door and the door opens as she brushes back my hair and wipes away my tears. 

"You should talk with him," she says she stands up from the couch at the same time Catalan enters the room, hands in his pockets. 

My heart seizes in my chest at looking at him. 

"Hey, Rhea," he says softly and my heart almost does a backflip as I rise from the couch and he hugs me. 

"Okay, first, you look way too much like John Travolta in Grease," Aunt Vivi interrupts and I glare at her. 

"What?!" she asks incredulously, "It had to be said! And second, I'll leave you to be," she says before she leaves. 

Okay but Vivi's right. 

Catalan is dressed in some black tee right now, dark blue jeans, black sneakers, and a leather jacket... and it's fucking hot. 

"Your father said that you fled to the mortal realm and said it would be better if I went after you myself. What's wrong?" he asks worriedly and I sigh. 

"I... I'm fine now, but my family was freaking me out about our wedding and I worried I was panicking for some insane reasons," I admit and he brushes the hair that covers my ears behind the sharp points and he gives me a loving smile. 

"I hope your worries didn't have to do with me," he teases and I give him a weak smile. 

"I know," he says as he leans forward and kisses my forehead, "I'm nervous too. Although honestly, I should be more worried than you. I'm about to be the future king consort," he says with a laugh and I giggle with him. 

"There's the Rhea I love," he says fondly before he takes my hand.

 "Show me around the mortal realm," he requests and I burst into laughter as I call into the house, "Bye, Aunt Vivi! Thanks!" 

"Anytime, sweetheart! See you soon!" she yells before me and Catalan leave the house hand in hand. 


The mortal realm is fascinating

First, Rhea made me get into some metal vehicle called a car and I don't think I'd been more terrified in my entire life. 

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