Author's Note

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Author's Note

Dear Readers,

I want to thank you for your support of this story. Your votes and sweet comments give me so much strength as I write, and it was been a true pleasure continuing this tale for all of you. I love these characters with all their quirks and, while I originally fell in love with Ms. Richelle Mead's work, I'm very proud to say I've found the same passion for the people I've created on my own. They've all grown to hold a special place in my heart, especially little Annessa.

I hope you enjoyed this story, though it doesn't follow Mead's spinoff Bloodlines. I've always been a fan of the original books and I wanted to continue the story of Rose and Dimitri; the rest kind of simply fell into place. (To be honest, I didn't know who was behind that Strigoi Mafia until I sat down to write the ending chapters!) I have loved every word of these books, even the ones I spelt wrong or left out by accident. This has been a great part of my life for a long time now, and I'm thankful you chose to join me on the journey. I hope I was a good enough tour guide for your VA loving fantasies!

Before you ask, I have already begun looking up images for a cover for a third book. I'm unsure right now what the story would entail, but if I get enough interest, I will definitely continue onto another journey with these beautiful characters and their strange, engrossing personalities.

Once again, I thank you with my entire heart for your support of my writing. It means the world to me to know that I have touched so many people's lives with my story.


Lindsey Ann

** UPDATE **

I have started another book! It's entitled "To Be a Belikov" and is live on my page right now :) I really hope you continue to follow this story as I embark on yet another adventure into the wonderful world of Vampire Academy!


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