Chapter 23

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Hana's P. O. V:

"Flower Breathing, First Form: Nascent Rose," I say before hitting the demon in different directions with my sword. I go to land the final blow but the demon dives to the side and throws more needles at me.

I deflect them all this time.

I'm surrounded by the deadly moths once again and cut through them with my katana before I lunge for the demon. I use my Fourth Form to sever its left arm.

The moths swarm me yet again but I cut them down.

As I finish, the demon's arm grows back and it lunges for me. I evade its attacks while trying to hit it with my sword.

"Flower Breathing, Fifth Form: Peonies of Futility," I say before slashing at the demon nine consecutive times. "Nascent Rose." I attack it from three different directions and go to land the final blow.

I get kicked back by the demon but sever its hand off before it could punch me. The demon hisses and throws out more needles which I deflect.

"Flower Breathing, Macabre Aroma of Rafflesia." I spin in place while holding my sword out and sending out a cloud of Rafflesia fragrance. The demon gets a cut from my blade and staggers, grunting.

It tries to attack me once again but gets another cut before my attack ends. I land a slash on its right leg and it jumps back.

"Insect Blood Demon Art: Vampire Moths!" Says the demon before sending the moths in my direction. I cut them down easily. "Illusionary Butterflies!" The fake butterflies surround me.

I hack through them and dodge an incoming attack from the demon. I sun a slash for it but the demon evades it and tries to punch me. I dance back to avoid it and slash at the demon with my sword.

I continue to slash at it for awhile, though the demon evades most of my attacks.

"Bee Needles!" I deflect more nasty needles with my Second Form, Honourable Shadow Plum, before they could pierce me again. The demon throws out even more and more, though I manage to deflect them. "You're pretty good, I'll give you that, Flower Hashira."

I don't say anything back, just remain in my ready stance.

"Flower Breathing, Fourth Form: Crimson Hanagoromo," I say before lunging forward and bringing up my sword before curving it and twisting it through the demon's right leg. Then I was able to plunge my sword into its abdomen before the demon jumps away from me.

It sends out more needles but I deflect them once again.

When the illusionary butterflies swarm me, I cut through them and then aim a slash for the demon. I slash at it a few more times before it makes its next move.

"Insect Blood Demon Art: Illusionary Butterflies." I'm surrounded by the fake butterflies once again. "Playful Dragonfly!"

As I was trying to cut down the butterflies, I'm hit in the shoulder by the demon. I'm then kicked back and punched in the gut, making me grunt.

I hiss in annoyance and look up to see the demon cackling. She then suddenly vanishes.

"Come and find me, if you can, Flower Hashira!" The demon mocks.

I finish cutting down the last of the butterflies and go in search of the demon that's beginning to really annoy me.

I spend about fifteen minutes trying to find the demon, with no luck.

I stop by an alleyway.

"Where did that damned demon run off to?!" I demand as I stomp my foot impatiently.

"I'm right here!" Comes a laugh from the alleyway right before the demon throws itself at me from the shadows with a growl.

Flowers in the Wind (Kimetsu no Yaiba, Sanemi X OC)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora