Chapter 19

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Hana's P. O. V:

"Well, it would seem as though the poison is all gone. You just need to rest a few days to heal from your other injuries," Kocho tells me after she examines me at the Butterfly Estate hospital.

Uzui and his wives were in the bed next to me.

Sanemi is standing beside my bed with his arms crossed. He demands to know, "And her eye?"

The Insect Hashira says, flicking her black/purple gaze to him, "I'm afraid there's no cure for that. But after doing some testing, Hana can still see from that right eye of hers. However, if she were to continually use that Eleventh Form, both eyes would become blind."

"Tch, I can't believe you took her to that damned place, Uzui!" Sanemi snaps as he whips a glare to the older man. "You do realise she could've gotten killed?!"

Suma hisses at him but Sanemi sends her his glare which immediately silences the dark haired woman.

I say assuringly, "It's okay, Sanemi-kun! I wanted to help Uzui. And Nezuko was the one who healed me of the poison, remember? I'll be fine!"

Sanemi scowls at the mention of the demon girl.

He won't admit it, but I get the feeling he's grateful to Nezuko for having saved my life.

"There'll be no more missions for you for awhile," Kocho informs me sternly. "I'll leave you to rest." She exits the room and Sanemi sits in the chair and keeps me company for the rest of the day.


A week goes by and I'm finally allowed out of the hospital. I'm wearing a white kimono as I head home with Sanemi.

"Finally, you're out of the hospital," He grumbles.

"It was only a matter of time, and I can still see, Samemi-kun," I remind him, flicking my gaze down to our joined hands. He blushes.

"I forgot..." Says the Wind Hashira as he releases me.

"It's okay," I giggle.

He asks, "Any plans for today?"

"No. I'm just going to relax at home," I respond. He nods and we continue to my estate. We enter and I invite Sanemi to join me for the afternoon. We just sit in the living room while I have Ginger on my lap and chat about what happened while I was away helping Uzui, and in the hospital.

Ginger had eventually gone over to Sanemi and purrs while rubbing his knee with her head. I giggle as Sanemi pats the tabby cat.

Ginger has taken a liking to him since Sanemi had started coming around here more.

When the sun goes down, I invite Sanemi to stay the night and I cook dinner. We chat contentedly and just relaxed in the living room afterwards.

I only have one bedroom in my estate so Sanemi and I had to share my bed, which I didn't really mind.

We both got ready for bed and Sanemi lingers by my bed as he asks, "Are you sure this is okay? I should leave you to recover from your recent mission."

I reassure him, "It's okay, Sanemi-kun. Really. I'm not having my guest sleep in the living room. Come on. Let's go to sleep."

He nods and I turn off the light before we both climb into bed.

Eventually, we drift off to sleep.


I wake up the next morning to warm sunlight filtering in through my curtains. I roll over and smile at the Wind Hashira sleeping beside me.

His eyes suddenly open and a smile touches his face. I greet, "Good morning, Sanemi-kun."

"Morning," He grunts back. I start to slide out of bed. Sanemi immediately sits up. "Where are you going?"

I reply, "To make breakfast."

"Let's just stay here longer," Says Sanemi.

"Sanemi—" I start but was suddenly pushed back onto the pillows. I blink up at him in surprise.

"I was really worried when I'd heard you'd gone with Uzui to the Yoshiwara District," Sanemi tells me, surprising me a little. Sanemi leans his forehead on mine. "I'm just glad you made it back alive."

"Sanemi-kun..." I murmur, before I run my fingers through his white hair.

Sanemi leans towards me and our lips connect. Fire immediately courses through my veins as we kiss tenderly at first, then it grows more heated.

We kiss for a bit longer but have to eventually pull back for air, my face flushed.

"Whoa..." I breathe, gazing up at my boyfriend. He smirks.

"I can keep going if you like it that much?" He offers.

I blush as I nod and we resume kissing in bed for awhile longer.


After a very heated make out session, and some breakfast, Sanemi sits on the porch while I water my flowers, and Ginger rolls around in the grass, warm sunlight spilling on her.

"I'm going to train in my dojo for a few hours," Sanemi informs me. I turn my head. "How about we go on a date tonight?"

I smile as I agree, "Sure! I'm looking forward to it."

Flowers in the Wind (Kimetsu no Yaiba, Sanemi X OC)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora