Leave Me Alone

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A month and a half has passed since Braxton and Sehvahn started watching me but todayyyyyyy Braxton convince Sehvahn to let me and Tatum to run some errands by ourselves.

I was excited as hell because it seems like it's been forever since I was able to do something by myself.

"Tatum, you ready?" I asked him

"Yes mommy, coming" Tatum said

Right after Tatum said he was ready he ran into my legs wrapping his little arms around them. I smiled looking down at Tatum.

I know I haven't known him long but he already has my heart.

"Mommy, can daddy come with us pretty pleaseee?" Tatum asked me

"I don't know Tatum, I thought you wanted a mommy and son day?" I asked him

"I do but I want daddy to come too" Tatum said

"Are you sure?" I asked him

"Yes" he said

"Okay daddy can come" I said

Tatum ran into my guest bedroom where Sehvahn was. Tatum walks out holding Sehvahn hand. Me and Sehvahn haven't talked since that one night in the kitchen.

We been avoiding each other and it's been working. The only time we talk is when Braxton ain't around but other than that we just go with Braxton.

Sehvahn takes Tatum to the car while I locked the door behind me. Braxton was hanging out with his little sister today so me and Tatum could have some time to ourselves but i guess Sehvahn didn't get that message.

I walked over to the car and got in after I put Tatum in his car seat. Sehvahn played his loud ass music all the way to the mall. I didn't even care enough to tell him turn it down so I just kept looking behind me to make sure Tatum was good.

We finally got to the mall. I promise you it felt like a century went by while Sehvahn was driving.

Soon as he parked I hopped out the car with Tatum on my hip. We walked in and Tatum was amazed by all the stores and the bright lights. I started messing with Tatum ticking him every time we passed a store.

As we walked around Sehvahn ended catching up with us. He stayed behind us but he was still near us. I ended up seeing FootLocker so me and Tatum went inside.

I put Tatum on the little bench and told him to play games on my phone while I looked for shoes. I went to the Jordan's section and started looking at the new releases.

I would look over at Tatum every few minutes to make sure he's good. I saw a few shoes I liked so I asked this one guy that worked there to grab these in my shoe size.

While the guy looked for my shoe size I started looking at some other shoes. I saw this one pair of shoes I wanted but I couldn't reach them.

But I felt a pair of hands from behind me grab them. At first I thought it was Sehvahn but when I turned around I saw it was this dark skin man that had waves and bright blue eyes.

He hands me the shoe and I told him thank you. I saw Sehvahn from the corner of my eye mad as hell. I know I shouldn't be playing games but Sehvahn be playing games.

So why not play back? I started having a conversations with this guy. Then I started being a little extra by laughing and touching his arm.

I could see the veins popping out of Sehvahn face. All I wanted was to make Sehvahn mad. So I walked away because mission accomplished.

I walked over to Tatum and started messing with him because I was still waiting on my shoes. Every now and then I'll look at Sehvahn and he still had that same angry face.

Me and Tatum waited for my shoes for a little longer till I decided I was tired of waiting plus Tatum was hungry so me and decided we was gonna go to the food court.


"Okay Tatum I'll be right outside the bathroom. If you need me just my name and I'll be in there so fast like the flash" I said, giving him a kiss

He giggled then went into the bathroom stall. I walked out but stayed right by the bathroom door. I went on my phone just looking through Instagram waiting for Tatum.

I heard the toilet flash so I know it wouldn't be to long till Tatum came out. I put my phone away and was about to walk back into the bathroom because I know Tatum was gonna need help washing his hands.

But I felt somebody push me into the woman bathroom and to my surprise it was nobody other then Sehvahn.

"Sehvahn, move Tatum in the bathroom by himself" I said, trying to move passed him

"No we need to talk" he said

"It can wait I told Tatum I'll be right outside the bathroom door and that's where he's gonna find me" I said

"It's gonna take him 5 minutes to wash his hands anyways so we got time" he said

"Well theirs always the excuse I just don't wanna talk to you either so move" I said, trying to move pasted him but he kept his body weight on the door.

"Nah" he said

"Oh my fucking gosh can you just leave me the fuck alone" I said

"I would if I gave a fuck" he said

"What the fuck do you want Sehvahn?" I asked him

"Why the fuck you flirting with other niggas in my face?" He asked me

"Same reason you got bitches on your phone sending you nudes" I said

"You still mad about that shit?" he asked

"So what if I am?"I asked him

"Mane come here with your mean fucking ass" he said

I wasn't gonna go near him till he came over to me and forced his lips onto mine. I knew I wasn't supposed to kiss him back but I did. He picked me up and put me on the baby changing table.

His hands started exploding my body while my hands was on his neck or pulling his braids. The kiss just kept deepening and deepening till we both remembered Tatum so he helps me down and we went over to the door.

Tatum was just standing there smiling like someone gave him candy.

"Mommy and daddy like each other" Tatum said

"Ew no, never" I said, picking Tatum up and walking away from Sehvahn.

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