Chapter 10

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Deidara's POV

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Deidara's POV



His hand waves in front of my head, and the image of Itachi vanished, leaving just a blob of blonde hair like mine.

"P-please don't hurt me," I say, shivering slightly. It's humiliating, especially saying that to someone younger than me when I just slapped him a day before, but my body won't be able to handle the pain.

"I won't. Why would I?"

I am unable to give an answer. There are a million reasons why he would hurt me...but it seems like he doesn't care for a single one. Finally, I gather a little courage and answer, "I-i slapped you."

"It doesn't tell me honestly. Are you hurt?"

It was odd how easily he dismissed my worries and got to the point...but I'm not going to trust anybody ever again...not after Itachi did that.

"What a stupid question. Of course you are," He sheepishly smiles and rubs the back of his head when I don't answer him, giving me his hand again to help me stand up.

'I-it won't be that bad...if I take his hand...just for now, after all, it can't get any worse.'

I sigh as I take it; however, my feet buckle as I am almost about to fall down. He caught me and wrapped my hand around his neck, helping me to walk the way Shinobi's do.

"H-how did you get out?" I finally say, breaking the awkward silence... I'm sure I didn't make a mistake when I did the binding jutsu.

" get out of it...we...I mean me and Sasuke found out a little ago...but now it's our little secret, alright?"

'Why is he here then? I guess he is actually really stupid. He can leave at any time, and if he could defeat Kisame so quickly, then I'm sure he could fight all of us easily.'

"Why are you here, then?"

"Me- Uh... Sasuke wanted to finish his mission, so I said, 'I will come with you; believe it!' And so... I'm here. Let us leave this topic for another day."

I find it odd, but it doesn't matter...

"Should I take you to a teammate? or I could treat you in Sasuke's room. I'm sure he won't mind, though he isn't here right now."

I tremble at the thought that he would take me to any of my comrades' rooms. Seeing my condition, they will be as violent as Kisame...and I'm sure I don't want Tobi to see his senpai in such a shape...

"Then Sasuke's room it is," Naruto says, seeing me frightened at the other options,"Um...where is it though?"

"The left," I say, and we turn in that direction.

"Um, they always do that?" He suddenly asks, breaking the silence... I just nod my head in agreement.

"We are here. Let me make you something nice to calm you."

I tremble a little as I'm alone in the room...just with him...I can't trust him.

I won't trust anybody...after that...


My life was finally taking a happy turn... I never expected Itachi to be nice to me, but he was; he helped me out, he trained with me, and he kept the others away from me.

All until that fateful day, when Itachi was called and was told that his younger brother, Sasuke, was searching for him, and so he must be ready to fight...

I was scared, I didn't want to lose him, but he was determined to die for his brother. He told me about his past. His past was fucked up, but all of us had a horrible past in this organization... I wanted him to live...

We fought...for the first time...

"Don't leave me alone, Itachi...not with them all."

"Dei...I need to lose while fighting Sasuke... I had decided that for a long time..."

"But...then...all that will start again...just tell Sasuke the truth. I'm sure he'll regret it later if you die, and I would too."

"Dei... I'm sorry, but I would have to do it. You are can fight the others yourself."

"I'm just the same for you, amn't I? A emotionless toy which you'll throw away after you've lost the need for it."

My anger flared at him when he refused to stay. Who can be so decided on dying? Didn't he care for me?

"'re not a toy...but I've gotta leave y-"

"Leave then. Leave me alone. I don't wanna see you ever again,"I screamed, turning my face the other way, so he couldn't see my tears.

He actually left.



I was crying in my room...when Kisame entered, with Kakazu and Hidan, all of them smirking.

"Why are ya'll here?"

"Just to meet my favorite sacrifice to Jashin..." Hidan smiled...

"Well, I'm in no mood to fuck right now..."

"Who the hell asked your opinion? I know your body wants it." That plant head Zetsu said, entering suddenly...

That was the worst night I had...not because it hurt, but because Itachi didn't even care for the numerous screams coming out of the room...

I ignored him after that, whenever he tried to talk to me...he was acting all innocent, like he didn't even hear what happened...but I still loved him even after he died.

//flashback ends//

"Deidara-san, I made this...maybe it'll calm down your nerves..." He said, thrusting a cup of ramen in front of me...

"Where did you find Ramen here?"

" always have some on me." He said, a little flustered... I smiled...

That was the first time I smiled in a long time.

Yo everybody...I'm updating after my deadline again...but I have a reason, y'all...

I got all enthusiastic these holidays and then I had a weird dream...and now it's a fanfic...I'll be uploading its first chapter tomorrow... Do give it a would be able to find it on my profile tomorrow, with the title - 'Under the Moonlight-Hashimada'... vote, comment and everything like that which I forgot to write...


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