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"The first time I met you I knew you were the one. You were... perfect. You touched my hand and caressed My face and I felt nothing.

Right then and there I knew that you'd be perfect in a marriage with me. I would never be manipulated by you. I would never feel vulnerable. Because I didn't love you. In fact, I felt nothing for you." Is what Coriolanus said to me as he proposed we should get married.

"I'll bathe you in all the wealth of Panem" he said "Never worry of the thought of no money, no fame, no power only in that this marriage isn't for love, it's for convenience" he said

"Something on your mind?" Coriolanus sat up on the bed. The moonlight casting a dim ray onto his face.

"Why didn't you marry for love Coriolanus? I know you don't love me" I say with a sad tone in my voice, "All that I dreamed of was to live a life full of love I don't understand why you don't want love."

Coriolanus didn't respond immediately, his brain scrambling for an answer. He took a long pause before responding,

"My marriage is not meant to make me happy..." he said, the words coming from deep within his chest, "My marriage is meant to benefit me. Not to fill the hole in my heart. To make me look good. I never felt love for Lucy Gray, and I don't feel feelings for you either... my marriage is to maintain position in the Capitol and to make me appear more likable."

I said to myself "this week will be better, maybe today he'll touch me, maybe today he'll kiss me just for the camera" the days after our wedding but month after month as soon as the cameras went away so did his touch

"I see" I mumble

He remained quiet after his words.

He didn't know what else to say.

His eyes darted back and forth between the floor and me before he spoke, again.

"You were a good choice. Your family is powerful and well respected. You're beautiful... and I feel nothing for you, so I know I won't let my guard down like I did with Lucy..."

"Sorry I'm not her, good night." I reply as I turn to sleep, moving as far away from him as possible. No one could sleep close to someone they know is a murder, no A murder of children.

A small sigh escaping him as he turned to the other side, shutting his eyes as well.

Sleep would not come though.

Not tonight.

Defrost | Coriolanus Snow | The Hunger Games | Marriage of convenienceWhere stories live. Discover now