Storms and Games

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A storm was brewing, the signs were becoming more and more obvious and Nettle needed to hurry if she wanted to be perfectly protected. She only had to look up to see the incoming dark clouds that would bring in the harrowing rain and thunder. There was a lot of work waiting for her if she wanted her tent to be in a good enough state when the storm was done, a lot of materials and building was awaiting Nettle and she could only hope she had enough time to prepare.

Nettle had been in a hurry as she collected a few other materials needed to protect her home, the wind was getting stronger, one of the many indications of the incoming rain. The troll gathered all of her tools as she took them out and started working her way to making her tent as well protected as she could, making new wooden stakes and hammering them onto the ground. She took out her ropes and tied them onto the wooden stake and the tent as she added a few new layers so too much water couldn't get inside.

Once she had finally got her tent fully protected for the storm, Nettle took a few steps back and looked at the job she had done. She got rid of the sweat on her forehead before looking proudly at her job, a nervous smile appearing as Nettle tried to assure herself that it would be fine. Even though the storm that was coming had appeared a few days sooner than she had expected, but she had been able to get her job done just in time, she was going to be safe.

She went inside the tent and started checking all of her supplies, making sure she had enough for the next few days before she placed it all away where it would be kept safe from the rain. With everything finished Nettle took a peek outside to see the weather, she still had some time before the rain would start to fall and having a few extra supplies would be very helpful.

With some new materials collected in the short time that she had, droplets of water were already falling down as they started making her hair and fur wet. Nettle quickly made her way back to her tent and got everything organized, sticks and wood inside their respective woven baskets, stones placed inside of the boxes and all of the berries she collected with the rest of her food supplies.


Preparing for a storm wasn't difficult for John Dory, since he could just stay the night inside of Rhonda and the armadillo bus would be able to take the rain with no problems whatsoever. But JD always preferred to have something to protect her from the water, he had a few things built to keep her as safe and dry as possible. He had been working all day in building his 'technically a garage', that he tended to take out and build for cases like these and then put back a few days after the rain.

As he built up the roof for Rhonda, John Dory's mind kept going back to thinking about Nettle. He could be perfectly fine and safe inside of Rhonda, warm with a good cup of tea as he sat comfortably and waited for the rain to finish. Unlike Nettle who had... well, John didn't know exactly what the other troll had to protect herself from the rain but it couldn't be better than what he had.

The rain had already begun falling as JD finished building the roof for Rhonda and ran under it, protected from the incoming storm but his uneasiness to what could be awaiting the other troll still bothered him. Nettle deserved a lot more than having to take care of herself under the rain, she was so strong and had saved him twice from bad situations. He had to at least do something to repay Nettle for her kindness.

And there had also been the fact that he hadn't stopped thinking about the troll during the last few days since he had seen her, trying to help Nettle with the storm was a good reason to look for her and learn more about her. Yeah! That was a pretty good idea! If she said no he would at least know where she would be around and maybe from time to time, JD and Nettle would probably 'run into each other' by pure coincidence!

𝐃𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐌𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐦𝐞 𝐅𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐢𝐧 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 | John DoryWhere stories live. Discover now